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(I know. I was kinda being IC)


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She disappeared...


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(don't worry bout it!)



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I think she wanted to sleep


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Oh, well, er, fair enough I guess


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Hey guys. ;3


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Hey Inuki!


Welcome back!


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Master! :3 *looks at your new avii* Nice. :3

Thanks! Oh, oh! And thanks for watching me on DA! :D


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Thanks very much. I have Dylan to thank for colouring it. And he did a few more, which you can see in the Art Thread.

No problem at all. And thank you very much for watching me back!


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Really? This, I must see.

No problem! Wait, how'd you know I had a DA account? Did Dylan told you?


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Looks like you did! ;-)

And yes, it was Dylan. Good guess.


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I think I do not watching you inuki...I have to find u <_<

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Yup. Twas good.

Well, at least I'm not going to be lost on the site now, xD

Ah. Just search for skyfall1810, Centaur. :3 though, my profy is still empty. >w<


Edited by Inuki

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Can't find u! <_<

My name here is CrossfireRoger


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Watching you now. :3


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People talking about me...

If you want more people to watch, everyone who is watching me is on SCANF, Inuki


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Hmm, I think there's a couple on your list I'm not watching Dylan/


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I see. Up to you if you start watching them


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