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123 says no one is going to eat Fluffy

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I wanted to ruin the game in style from now on but my paint skills are terrible.. Oh well, here you go anyways. You can consider it as lucky though, because if I run out of ideas, I won't be that fast with stopping you :3


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Nbuidel quiver bilingual rwfbuildf boulder on.uerv huolvreonuevr.uhrfeinewf diner nufew ounefwounuh. Outweigh ought rghio. Fair Hirt Hirt jones

My cat lol


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Actually, it was Hirt Hirt Jones but okay


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Autocorrect is EVIL but BRILLIANT


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I would've never heard that Jabba has them moves if it weren't for autocorrect (yes, that sounds weird)


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Yes, and awesome. I don't think I can ever listen to that song the same way again


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*waking up in the morning* wat 14? but yesterday....ah Shadow was here.


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