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Banned because time for a segment of the Wheel of Pain!

*pulls out wheel of pain*

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Banned because: Why is it always the Wheel of Pain? Why not ever Wheel of Happiness? is it really too much to ask?? Dx

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Banned because don't be such a chicken!

Time to see who the victim is!? *spins wheel and lands on Seviper*

Uh oh... *Snorlax lands on Seviper*

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Banned because: Hey look Snorxy! :D 

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Banned because Snorlax. Shini is made of fruit.

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Banned because good! Wheel of pain hurts too much! D:

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Banned because yeah...now for Shinomi's idea! The wheel of happiness!

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Banned because happiness for who?

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For anybody!

*spins wheel lands on pet Fennekins for everyone*

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Banned because ooh! Fennekins! Wait... isn't having a lot of Fennekins dangerous?

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Banned because perhaps but they're cute!

*lots of Fennekins appear*

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Banned because maybe I'll hide up the tree

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Banned because I'm not sure if that is a good idea.. xP

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Banned because: *pets Fennekin* your name shall be Archibal Julian Von Hertzen The III!

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Banned because: FENNEKINS!  *hugs all of them*

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Banned because "I wanna be a master, A Fennikin master" *starts throwing Pokeballs at the Fennikins starting with Archibal Julian Von Hertzen The III*

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Banned because: no one steal Archibal Julian Von Hertzen The III!! *Runs away with Archibal*

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Banned because: *grabs baseball bat* Hey, Mobians putting pokemon into pokeballs is just wrong!

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Banned because noooooo! Not the fennekins!

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Banned because: *looks at Skye* ermh... Putting Pokemons into Pokeballs by ANYONE is cruel and wrong... (totally not on N's side <_< )

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Banned because they need transport to the Fennikin national park.

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Banned because no. They just like invading topics and stuff. Best action is to hide until they're gone

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