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Banned because that is getting annoying.

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Banned because NMS all of those pictures are starting to annoy me.

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Banned because Tohru Adachi, L Lawliet, Geoffrey St John and Ienzo are my perfecrt team!

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Banned because: well one of them is already pretty.. "dead."

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Banned because Death eludes the genius.

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Banned because: though Death is nice.

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Banned because: no you're Seviper.

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Banned because aaaaaw Groot is my favourite character of that movie where he was x3 I just don't remember what was the name of that movie xP

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Banned because: Guardians of The Galaxyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~ x3

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Banned because yea xP I'm gonna go to sleep now because I have to wake up very early again because of work xP Good night :)

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Banned because: kay goodnight! xD

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Banned because: I miss Groot... ;____;

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Banned because: But I can't wait ;______;

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Banned because maybe this will cheer ya up!



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Banned because: .... Right now I'd like to hug my screen but I know I'd look like a freaking idiot which I of course am but ;_______; Groot...

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Banned because Groot~ x3 ♡

And Shinomi you're not idiot Dx

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Banned because Groooooooooooooot

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Banned because: *Hugs corner* ;_____;

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Banned because don't hide away

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