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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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What are you babbling about Locke? I think you've been drinking too much.

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Too much pumpkin juice perhaps. It's like he's in his own world sometimes

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We would have been to other dimension ! And some other thing.

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*casts a sideways glance at Dylan*

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Fine... I'm stopping. Beside, it's not like such a thing would had a chance to happen anyway....

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Not a chance. I've already got a family for starters.

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Yes. Me too. Once I get knuckles Back here.

Seriously, playing dead isn't of his age anymore.

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Uh oh, best go claim that life insurance before he gets up


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Maybe he just made a bet and is calling it 'life insurance' so as not to offend you?

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It's Dylan. Tact is not part of his personnality when it comes to me.

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Blueblur that is not the way to make friends. And neither is killing other peoples jokes. But killing their family is fine.

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I just threw your granny into a black hole. HAPPY!?

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I guess I'll have to type you all to death then. "Pull out keyboard." Come at me , bro.

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*Adds Blueblur to ignore list*

The Ixis Overlord dislikes that guy so he will never acknowledge him again.

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Goeffrey , surviving haloween I see.

And Seviper, It took you a while , but I'm glad to see you here .

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And technically, I'm not a paradox, just a time traveler at this stage.

My other incarnations on this site however...

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