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Skye: *cocks head* Nothing besides that?

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Tails: Well I have some books I got from the old library in Robotropolis longtime ago. *brings a box from under the table*

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Skye: Wow. Those are real antiques. I haven't read anything from before the wars.

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Vanilla: You and SJ can sleep in this room here

Seviper: Thank you for everything

*Vanilla smiled*

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Tails: Help yourself while our parents fall asleep.

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Skye: Thanks *pulls out a book* I can't wait to see what sort of stories you used to have. I mostly had exaggerated stories about the war. At least I think they were exaggerated. *grins* Not to give too much away, but one of the Freedom Fighters becomes a fairly popular author!

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Tails: That's interesting...I wonder who...alas I can just imagine.

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Skye: You'll find out in time! *sits on bed and opens book*

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Tails: *grabs a book on engineering and starts reading* Well time to read while we wait for the chance to sneak out.

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Skye: Yeah. With luck we won't need to wait long. *glances over at Tails* You know, that is something different. You like to read about mechanics and engineering, but I prefer reading stories.

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Tails: Huh? I do enjoy reading about stories, but I just haven't had the time to get new books. But I do love more to learn new things and figure new ways to help with the technology for the FF.

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Skye: *smiles* I didn't say you didn't like stories. And I do get what you mean, I do to, just often I prefer just to lose myself in a story after a long day.

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Tails: Some of the stories I read are about the history of the Kingdom of Acorn, and other about pre-Mobian history which are about the time this planet was called Earth.

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Skye: You told me something about that before. It does sound kinda sad

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Tails: It is for what most history books recount, but I did find something encouraging from Earthlings.

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Seviper: I want help this world anyway I can but only if doesn't endanger SJ

*Seviper falls asleep*

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Tails: Through the struggles of the what they called 'races', towards the turn of a millennia, much of that struggle dissipated to a lower percentage as communication on collaboration between nations created a world peace, a check and balance between the powerful nations and those with lesser power. But then the Xorda came...

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Skye: So you think they were trying to better themselves before they were wiped out?

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Tails: Somewhat, they still had inner troubles while some countries were better technologically and economically than others. When the Xorda came, they came in peace, but the Earthlings had other priorities and abducted one of the Xorda to study. News of the alien species was spread around the world, the world consensus ruled that war was eminent and that the human race needed to unite for an equal cause.

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Rouge: Why not go after Regina? She's the freak directly attacking us.

Shadow: Good point. It's agreed.

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