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Free play mania 1.0

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(Ooc: My team scored. A player from my team broke his leg, terribly, he won't be able to go to the World Cup. C**p. It's half-time right now.....this sucks, now my team has two players injured....)

*Tails sees Skye's in pain*

Tails: Let go of it!


Miles: We were just talking about the time transporter, and possible things one can do with it.

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Younger Skye: *let's go and tornadoes worse than normal before crashing. Groans* I-I d-don't f-f-f-feel so g-g-good...


Older Skye: Yes. I see what you mean about it being dangerous. *taps time band* No wonder you built these.

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*Tails went tornadoing with Skye, let's go and tries to stabilize his flight, falling to the ground*

Tails: Are you injured?


Miles: I just notice you're still wearing them. They help us keep track of the continuum changes. And yes it can be very dangerous.

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Younger Skye. I-I'm o-o-o-okay... I j-just f-feel l-like I've b-been s-stuck in a p-p-p-paint s-shaker.


Older Skye: Given how tempestus my past is, there's no way I'm taking it off.

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(Ooc: gol, yes)

Tails: Maybe we should stop...I hit the ground a bit hard, but I'm okay.


Miles: Don't.

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(ooc: YAY!

Younger Skye: I-I'm sorry Tails. I d-didn't w-want you t-to hurt yourself b-because of m-me. But... d-do you know why I s-shake that that?


Older Skye: *laughs* Yes. And I've had it reinforced several time, to make sure it doesn't get broken.

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Older Skye: I doubt it. You haven't changed your own past.

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Miles: If it's the time portal extension band that Tails built you're talking about, you do won't need to keep it on once you return home.


Tails: Don't worry, I gotten hit worse before, plenty of times. As for your shaking, I really don't know if it will require medical assistance or just practice. Maybe we should consult your dad and your older self.

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Younger Skye: B-but we were d-doing so well... M-maybe.... maybe... maybe I'm not meant t-to fly... I can't move my tails as freely as you, so I spin my whole b-body with them...


Older Skye: *nods*

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That's good to hear. My line of work isn't that compatible with fragile devices holding my existence together.

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Older Skye: That why I bulked mine up

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Tails: Well then, me should rest and try something new later. Did you ever asked your older self if he's able to fly?


Miles: Maybe I should do the same for my whole family.

Edited by The Chosen One (Alegatius)

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Younger Skye: Huh, no I didn't... I just... assumed he, uh, I would be able to do so.


Older Skye: *looks confused* But... you had... at least, the way I remember it.

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Tails: Oh well, we should rest and think of the possibilities....maybe it's...no never mind.


Miles: Maybe it's a memory of after we returned to our timeline. I made them as comfortable as possible, but they are fragile, maybe I should reinforce them with a non-newtonian liquid, or titanium perhaps.

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Younger Skye: It... it could be what? What w-were you going to say?


Older Skye: Hmm, you could have a point about my memories. But yeah, you really sure make them a bit tougher,

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Tails: You said it started to hurt when your body began twitching as you were holding the bar. Maybe it's spinal structure, but that is too unlikely since you can still rotate your tails and walking.


Miles: After what happened to Lien-da, I've been planning on reinforcing them, even after the danger seemed to have passed.

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Younger Skye: It seems m-more than just l-lack of control. It's like my body W-WANT'S to tornade a-around.


Older Skye: We work on heavy machines Dad. One loose spring in the wrong place and *makes a motion* SNAP!

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Seviper: Poison tail is a powerful technique that your'e not ready son!

SJ: You say that all the time and it's not fair!

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Tails: Like a cramp with uncontrollable motions. Hmm. Then it must be the nervous system, but we will need to confirmed that with a diagnosis.


Miles: I do make sure the machines I work on are well secure from falling, but you do have a point. Accident can happen when we least expected, even when everything seems to be well secure.

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Younger Skye: B-but we c-can fix it, r-right?


Older Skye: Considering it's all that comes between us and non-existence...

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Seviper: When your grownup

SJ: Your one to talk!

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Tails: Yeah. It should be fixable. *whispering*I think...


Miles: Right. And it's shocking to think that these small device is holding us from getting erased from the face of Mobius.

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Younger Skye: *ears prick up when Tails whispers, then droop.*


Older Skye: So definitely get to reinforcing them then!

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*noticing that Skye was able to heard Tails' whispers*

Tails: Don't worry, try to be positive about it and wish for the best.


Miles: Absolutely. Maybe I should start right now with my own.

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