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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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(ooc: Sorry Shadow. Just as we left the living room)

Older Skye. *smiles* Have you worked it out yet.

Younger Skye: I.... I think I might have... *closes eyes. Fur turns dark yellow, hair orange. Opens eyes and looks* Not quite there yet.

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(Ooc: mother of bad timing!)

Older Fluffy: you don't kiss him anymore, right?

Younger fluffy: yeah...doesn't work...

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Younger Skye: It does still work! I just... Don't warn me!

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Older Skye: It's worth a try, right?

Younger Skye: But I'm expecting it now!

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(ooc: The two Tails' are there. And I think Dylan is. And the Skye's and Fluffy's should be going back soon.)

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*Seviper and SJ start dancing*

SJ: Age hasn't stopped you from being a good dancer

Seviper: I'll take that as a compliment

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Younger Fluffy: yeah, that's why no kisses...

Older Fluffy: *laughs* Seviper! that's a very very good dance!

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Younger Skye: So... you'll only kiss me as a surprise?

Older Skye: Yes, very impressive Seviper.

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Younger Fluffy: *looks away*

Older Fluffy: I guess she will.

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Younger Skye: *looks disappointed*

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Younger Fluffy: *giggles and walks away*

Older Fluffy: *looks art he both of them and laughs, whispers to older skye* we were soooo adorable.

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Younger Skye: Fluffy, wait! *chases after Fluffy*

Older Skye: *chuckles and whispers back* Yeah. I'd forgotten how naive and innocent I was.

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Younger Fluffy: noooppppeeee! *runs*

Older Fluffy: *whispers* I miss that Skye, to be honest.

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Younger Skye: Fluffy! *chases faster*

Older Skye: You... do?

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Younger Fluffy: hahaha! *runs faster*

Older Fluffy: yeah, the sweet timidness.

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Younger Skye: *spins tails to try and fly. Fails this time and starts ricocheting around in tornado flight.*


Older Skye: *slight sad* I thought you prefered the more confident me.

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Younger Fluffy: *shrieks and follows skye* Skye!


Older Fluffy: Awww, I love Skye. That is that

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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Younger Skye: *lands, slightly dizzy* Yes Fluffy? Are you okay?


Older Skye: it's just... I made the effort to change.. for you...

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Younger Fluffy: gah, don't worry about me, okay? I'm worried about you!


Older Fluffy: I wanted you to change for yourself, Skye, it was for the betterment of you. For me? I love you no matter what.

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Younger Skye: *laughs* I'm fine Fluffy. I'm used to flying like that.


Older Skye: T-thank you Fluffy.

(ooc: Had an idea as Eliza is away soon. If the younger Skye and Fluffy stay in the future while everyone else returns to the past, that means that the game can keep going. I don't mind sitting out for a while.)

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(Ooc: yeah! That's great. And the other part can go on while I'm on for an hour in weekends :) brilliant, Skye!)

Younger Fluffy: that's...terrible *kisses*


Older Fluffy: thank you, Skye.

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(ooc: Heh, thanks. I try. Not sure about AWPM though.)

Younger Skye: Not really. I just need to practice mo.... *gets cut off by the kiss*


Older Skye: Why are you thanking me?

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(Ooc: I don't think so it has much population except me, you, Dylan and Seviper. So, it's not much to be worried of.)

Younger Fluffy: worked?


Older Fluffy: for being there for me.

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