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Free play mania 1.0

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Zelta: It would not make sense to argue with children

*Zelta travel back to the gym*

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Younger Fluffy: *looks angrily at Zelta, but then noticed skye, blushing heavily* oh, skye...


Older Fluffy: I'd enjoy that *winks*

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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*they follow*

Tails: *excited* Are we almost there?

Miles: *remembering* We'll get there, it will be fun, if I remembered right.

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Older Skye: *turns to make sure his father's are watching, then nibbles Fluffy's cheek* Wow, even without chocolate, that takes me back. *looks back* Yes, we're almost there. Just through those doors.


Younger Skye: *blushing heavily as well* Sorry I... can't... help myself.

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Older Fluffy: *blushes* there isn't any hurry, tiger! But mmmm... Yesh, let's go in.


Younger Fluffy: I really want to *comes closer, noticed someone coming and goes back*

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Older Skye: Yes *heads inside then starts to whisper* better warn them. *shouts* FluffY? Skye? You still hear?


Younger Skye: what... *hears shout* Who was that? It sounded like Dad shouting but...

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Miles: Well I'm here too, but that was older Skye.

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Younger Skye: *jumps* Yikes! Uh... h-hi dad... um... sorry I'm such a mess.

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Miles: Don't worry, mom won't find out, plus I think I did the sa....

*Miles is interrupted by Tails sudden dash to the lake*

Tails: whee

*Tails jumps into the lake*

Miles: Yeah, that.

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Younger Skye: *turns and gapes open mouthed at his younger Dad's actions* I never... thought you'd... act like....

*grins suddenly and jumps back in as well. Swims over to Tails and starts splashing him*


Older Skye: Hate to say it Dad, but I never looked at you in quite the same way again after today.

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*thinking* At this rate it will be the future by the time we return. I must find a way back.

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(ooc: And this is why Shadow goes dark side and take over the world. Stuck too long while everyone else goofs around!)

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(Ooc: really funny theory, but in case, Miles has secretly paying close attention to Shadow, one cannot tell what Miles can give Tails when he return home)

*to Skye*

Miles: Come on, how old was I, eleven I presume. Either way, I really enjoyed that day, I mean this day.

*to younger Skye*

Tails: Want to learn a thing. *Tails starts spinning his tails gently, splashing chocolate towards young Skye*

Edited by The Chosen One (Alegatius)

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Younger Skye: *laughs as he covers face with his hands* Wanna see what I can do then? *dive under the chocolate, then starts spinning, causing a small but gentle whirlpool under Tails*

Older Skye: That is kinda what I meant. It was ... easier to see you as a friend, not just my Dad, if that makes sense.

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Tails: whoa, I see you have trick of your own, cool. Wanna see something else. * Tails jumps up, out of the lake, front flips, and hits the lake with his tails, causing the liquid chocolate to part in a straight line, splashing chocolate as the line advanced, until it vanished*

Miles: Yeah it does make sense.

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Younger Skye: *pops head above the chocolate to see Tails' trick. Looks amazed to see it, and opens his mouth to catch a mouthful of flying chocolatte. Licks his lips and swims over to Tails.* That's r-really cool Tails. I can't control my tails enough to do a trick like that.

Older Skye: It's just, they way you and Mom were famous.... You always seemed distant to me, even though you never were.

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Tails: But I can see you can do a whirlpool, I don't think I can do one by spanning my body like that, and either way you might get better with the control of your tails, and do both tricks without any trouble.

Miles: Being famous isn't easy, I myself wished to have more spare time with you and your sister, but being New Mobotropolis mechanic calls for much of my time, plus your mother's tours. But that will have to change, as I will help young Skye in you now what.

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Younger Skye: *laughs slightly* I only spin m-my body like that cause I can't f-fly properly yet. I think you COULD do it... if you tried to fly badly! Maybe I could t-teach you?

Older Skye: I know Dad. I do understand. And I know you tried your best for us. If it wasn't for these experiments, it would have been more than enough.

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Tails: You can't fly properly? Well, we can teach each other. What ya think?

Miles: Well I'm glad we succeeded. Hmm. Do you have a glass cup I may borrow?

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Younger Skye: *face lights up* Yeah, that'd be great. *laughs* Though we should probible get clean first.

Older Skye: Yes, there should be plenty in that supply cupboard just ther... *pauses and turns to look and Tails and Younger Skye.* That's... different this time.

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Younger Fluffy: *turns to older fluffy* I want to join them, but...

Older Fluffy: *smiles a bit* female problems! All the foxes are having a great time, but, *shouts to younger Skye and Tails* you might want to get out if there!

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