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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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Seviper: Thank you. What you doing SJ?

SJ: Trying to top my hi-score on Battlepaplitoads

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Older Fluffy: ohhh, but you're non veg aren't you?


younger Fluffy: *comes inside and opens eyes* I wonder what i- oh... My...god... *stares blankly*

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Seviper: Gotta look after my body

*Seviper begins eating the yogurt*

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Older Skye: Erm, well, yeah...


Younger Skye: *grins at Fluffy* You like it?

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Older Fluffy: *smiles* I hope you like it


Younger Fluffy: *grins ear to ear* this is BEAUTIFUL, skye, I love it! Oh my, chocolates, I want *runs towards chocolates*

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Older Skye: *gives theatrical sigh* Then I'll just have to live without yogurt then.


Younger Skye: *jogs after Fluffy still grinning*

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(Ooc: I read you guys' idea on Melody, and it seem bad on Miles, as if he was bad at parenting, but we're just speculating, so yeah I too think both Tails and Miles reaction will be something worth to see)

*Tails walks towards Miles*

Tails: I've noticed you have been very pensive lately. What's bothering you so much?

*passes both hands at his ears, respectively*

Miles: I don't know if I'm doing the right thing as a parent. Th-there's a big problem going on, and I've just discovered about it, and I fell powerless for not having found about it before.

Tails: What's the problem?

Miles: Sorry Tails, but I'm afraid I can't tell you. *in thought* "nor anyone, except for Skye. I should have paid more attention to him...."

Tails: Oh, okay. Well I just hope there's a solution to it. *in thought* ”for it's my future"

Miles: There is...there is.

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(ooc: I don't think it would make Miles appear a bad parent at all. It's just Melody career in music... well, basically she'd be metal. That doesn't make Miles bad in anyway. It's just more for the shock factor. But yeah, glas you up for it. The visit or the music video?)

Older Skye: *joins his two father's* Are you two okay?

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Miles: Yeah, we're good.

Tails: Sure thing.

Miles: Hmm, Skye?

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*thinking* How will the future change if I eliminate the opposition? Would it cause a paradox?

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Miles: Am I still alive at this time?

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Older Skye: *smiles* Yeah Dad. You are. And still going strong to. Heck, if you wanted to I could call you up!

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Miles: That won't be necessary, I just wanted to know that I'll witness the fox you have become.

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Older Skye: *smiles, then gives Miles a hug* Of course you did Dad. *chuckles slightly* And even if your weren't around, well, you have seen me now!

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Miles: Yeah, but I wouldn't have seen the beginning of your career, nor your progress.

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Older Skye: True. But you will. And M... *glances at Tails* my sister's as well. It feels funny saying this, but you've got a good future ahead of you Dad.

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*a feel of joy comes to Miles with Skye's statement*

Miles: Well, it seems like your mother and I raised some successful kids, and we did good at parenting.

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Older Skye: Yes you did Dad. Yes you did. I just hope I manage to do the same.

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Miles: You will, I can feel it, and I know it,

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Older Skye: Thanks Dad. It's always good to have your reassurances.

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Older Fluffy: *smiles at skye and miles talk*

Ruby: *yawns* sweep!

Older Fluffy: *giggles* yes, sleep- is anyone tired here, anyways?

(Ooc: I can't wait for their reaction on Melody thing XD)


Younger Fluffy: *runs around chocolates, happily* oh my, skye, this is sooo amazing, oh, I just...love you skye! *jumps and kisses*

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*thinking* Even then, new opposition would no doubt arise, and a dictatorship would be unsustainable and ineffective for whatever goal I supposedly had in mind. Far too short sighted a plan.

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