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Seviper: My daughter has a questionable life style.

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Older Skye: Any advice you can give me for raising a daughter Seviper?

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Older Skye: *eyes widen* I hadn't even thought about that... *facepalms*

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Seviper: As a father I make it my duty to chase of any boy that may be a bad influence on my little girl.

SJ: He even hid in a car trunk once.

Seviper: Yes... uh..

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Older Skye: A... car trunk...?

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Older Skye: I guess fatherhood makes you a little bit crazy.

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Seviper: I guess I go a little too far.

SJ: You didn't go to far when you saved Lucy from falling off a dam or when Lucy and I were kidnapped. You're a great dad.

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*Tails and Miles had ventured, observing the view*

Miles: How do you feel?

Tails: What you mean?

Miles: Well, all of this, seeing yourself older, seeing your son, then seeing him older.

Tails: Yes, it's intriguing, I'm just eleven years old and I'm in 46 years into the future. I'm in space, never thought to see it for the first time this way. I'm just wondering what's going on at home, what troubles could be occurring with Dr. Eggman's empire expanding around the globe.

Miles: I too have been thinking of what might be happening at home, if they have notice we have been missing. I just hope everything is okay.

Tails: Looks like I haven't changed much.

Miles: Not too much.

*they continue walking*

Edited by The Chosen One (Alegatius)

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Older Skye: Kidnapped? You do lead an exciting life!

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Seviper: A father's gotta do what a father's gotta do.

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Older Skye: *laughs* You're almost making me think I made the wrong decision.

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Seviper: Nah, being a father brings great joy. As Lucy would say "totally chilled"

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Older Skye: *laughs again* Separated by a common language!

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Younger Fluffy: I believe ethics means rules, and... Umm... I dunno, I just kinda knew... Because...


Older Fluffy: *laughs* yeah! right! I won't give her SUCH a fashion sense and... Will you justify is she dates at an age we did? And yeah, boys... I don't think ruby is old enough to worry. And wow, you dads make it look like you're the only one!

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Why not? I'm sure there are good sides to it too

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Younger Skye: B-but.. how?


Older Skye: *looks at Fluffy* I don't need to worry let, but given us, every boy she'll meet once she reaches six.... *Shakes head. Looks at Shadow, lying very well* I hate to break it to you Shadow, but....

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*Laughs a little hearing what older Skye is saying to Shadow*

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Younger Fluffy:... Want to ask the elder us..?


Older Fluffy: can you just try coming back here then so she can't interact to anyone? *facepalms and bit! then laughs* I'm sure that plan of your will fail, shadow

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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Younger Skye: That... m-might be a g-good idea.


Older Skye: *looks at Fluffy confused, then turns to Shadow.* You obviously haven't got that memory back yet. Well, you're not a father yet, but I have heard one is one the way.

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