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This isn't craving!  This is taking advantage of a big pile of chocolate!

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Does Skye even have a craving?

Cheery and Eliza love chocolate.

Dylan loves popcorn

I love sandwiches.

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Fine. It's a fondness.

I don't crave sandwiches all the time anyways

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Not me. I have nothing like that.

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I don't know if I do. I can't think of one.

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What is happening?

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Oh... still talks of cravings and all that

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Well I still do not know what I crave.

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How's about some pizza or bacon and sardines or some mozzarella chicken teriyaki spaghetti?

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Pizza.... curries.... bbq sauce...  steaks.... peppercorn sauce...


I've a lot! 

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Yay! Spagetti!

And those sound lovely too Skye

*mouth starting to water in rl*

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Chocolate pie sundae...glazed ham....barbeque chicken pizza...Mama's Chicken dish...

(That last one us superb!)

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I am not in a good place right now. There is nothibg in my kitchen and I got no money. So food is almost never on my mind.

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