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That one was...







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Well my Charizard likes to attack the golden gate bridge.

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do you mean-?? *puts on sunglasses* Aliens?  B)

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Yes I meant...







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*puts hand on shoulder* But Dylan my friend.. You do know there's no such thing as.... Aliens. *holds up the memory eraser from MIB* now if you'd just look at this device...

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*grabs Dilly* No you don't. Shini do it now *puts on sunglases*

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Thank you Geoffrey. *clicks the button and bright flash happened* 

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Shini you should put your glasses away before your cover is blown.

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*puts glasses back to hoodie's pocket* Well they look like normal sunglasses anyway *puts the device away*

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Sorry Shini but no one can know I am an agent. *holds up device and has it flash to erase memories of Agent Geoff then takes off glasses and puts device away*

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...So yeah as I was saying I REALLY like my sunglasses :3

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Well only a few can pull off that look. I know I can't.

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He is hiding in that barrel.

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The barrels attack again... Someone call Pewds!!!

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When did Dilly eat pumpkins?

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aaaw.. cute! x3 just look at it xD

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I thought you may like it.

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I didn't know they made sounds like that xD too cute!!

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*hits button on machine and turns back to normal*

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Yay! Normal Seviper!


(Normal? XD)

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