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*correction: hugging own tail*

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Tail: Yes Mistress Shinomi.

(Tail listens to Shinomi but not me!?)

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Me and tail are buddies :3 though it sometimes says silly things like that.

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Nah.. that's not on our list.

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Tail: Put it on the list!

Oh brother...

*Tail starts slapping Seviper*

Tail: Don't question it!

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Tail: Fool! The AI is getting away! After him!

What's your problem with Skye?

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NOOOOOOOO!!!! Dx *hides in a barrel* 

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I'm kinda worried about the kids they'd have.... Sonic's speed with Amy's temper?


God help us all!

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Sonic can't marry Amy! He's already married to Robotnik! XD

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oh god guys xD you and your theories!

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Sorry!  I'm really bad for coming up with cray cray theories! 

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Well...he is married to Robotnik! I saw it!

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