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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Now, weren't you and Skye going to do some drawing inside?" asked Miles to Dylan. He nodded happily in acknowledgement to Zamy, though Harmony frowned at him.


"Why don't we just kick back and relax for a bit. Hey, we've got the spells, how about a little party?" grinned Melody

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well then looks like im gon.. OH CRAP!!! (He said with a frigtened look)

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Miles and Harmony looked towards Spark with a confused expression, while Skye hid behind Miles.

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(still in his normal form Spark sighed) well im not going to be able to lower the time on Ziona now looks like shes stuck a bat for a month. (he said staring at Zamy.) im sorry but your gonna have to do this alone for longer because of my stupididty.

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Miles facepalmed.

"Oh great. Now Glen's gonna kill someone. I better find some way to try and sort this."

"What exactly is wrong Spark?" asked Harmony confused.

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Dylan grinned when Miles mentioned going in to draw. He then looked to Skye and gave a nod before making a run for Haven

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"It's ok Spark, I have backup arriving in the morning. Apparently they have a specialist for this sort of thing."


"I think I'd rather relax for the time being and save the party for later," said Hope.

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Miles glanced after the kids, then turned to Zamy.

"I better follow them. Don't worry, I will find a way to restore your partner to normal soon. I've already got a few ideas." He was about to leave when Harmony grabbed him by the arm.

"You may have tricked everyone else into believing your little goody-two-shoes routine, but not me," she hissed. "I'll be watching you Miles. And if you DARE hurt Skye or anyone else in my family...." she drew her knife and pointed it at the fox.


"Sure thing Hope," said Melody. "You've had quite an afternoon!"

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Dylan reached the entrance and waited for Skye

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(ooc: I... but... wait... Where did Skye's line go... Oops, must have erased it in the edit...)

Skye looked after Dylan for a moment before running after him. After what happened in the tree he wasn't in the mood for a race.

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(ooc: I was wondering too...)

Dylan waved to Skye as he was coming

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Skye smiled back. "Lwet's go. I know where dwrawing stwuff is kept!"

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"Okay!" Dylan smiled and followed Skye

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"And the kwitchen got the bwiggest twable, so we cwan use thwat!" Skye continued, showing Dylan the way.

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"Whichever place you think is best" Dylan said smiling. "What are we gonna draw?"

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"We nweed to write and dwraw our stwory for Mwiles," said Skye.


Miles snatched his arm away from Harmony.

"Crazy, paranoid $@£&#!" he muttered to himself, walking inside.

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"Good idea!" Dylan said. Then he began jumping up and down excitedly and began pointing at a room

"The kitchen! The kitchen!" He exclaimed

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"I think you are asking yourself way too much question for such a young age , dear." answer back Tikal."Some things will come in time."


"I think I'll ...just try and get used to it, Ziona. No need for some crazy plans or anything ..."

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"Harmony, if he tries anything you won't be laying a hand on him as he'd be going to Zone Jail. Now put away the knife."


"Yeah, it has been eventful. At least nothing's gone wrong yet."

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"Yea, bwut pwaper an' pen an' stwuff is in the stwore room thwere," said Skye pointing.


"Assuming that something doesn't wind up with you dead or worse," said Harmony sheathing her knife.


"Okay Glen. Don't worry. We'll get through this!" said Ziona happily.


"Sorry. I was just curious," said Anna.


"Gah! you just HAD to say that!" laughed Melody.

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"There are plenty more people much more likely to kill me than Miles. Trust me on that"


"Sorry, I've jinxed it now!" laughed Hope.

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"Maybe. But he's the one YOU trust. And that's what makes me nervous," said Harmony with concern.


"Yes you have. Best you don't even THINK about casting a spell for a bit!" laughed Melody.

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"I don't have a choice. If I start distrusting him, he won't make any progress at all."


"Got it, you can count on me."

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"If he is making progress," muttered Harmony.


"I know I can Hope," said Melody with a smile.

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