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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Hope pulled a face. "I can't see why they'd drink this. It's too sour."


"We're just outside the hotel Red."

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"Hmm, I kinda like it. But not that much. It makes you wonder why they go through bottles of it though," said Melody.


Anna laughed. "No it doesn't. But that probably because I broke it. I looked at what fate had planned and went 'nuh uh'!" As she had been speaking, Anna's voice had lost it's shy edge, becoming stronger and more like her old speech.


"Yeah, I came prepared!" said Ziona, throwing her towel over his head.

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"That's very far." said Old Red.


As Young red was listening to Anna, Locke sat down in a chair, not so far away from them.


"Use it on yourself next time." Said Glen."I got mine after all."

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"Yeah. But this seems to be the main one I've seem them drink." She took another sip. "It does kinda seem to grow on you though."


"What about you. Where have you been at?" asked Anna.


"Heh, okay then, I will!" replied Ziona, mock offended.

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"True, though now you mention it I've seen Shadow and Rouge drink everything but wine," joked Hope.


"Well I thought you'd enjoy the view. Would you prefer we go back and stay in my room until she leaves?" asked Crowley.

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"Huh. Somehow I though Rouge would have been a wine drinker. What do they drink instead mainly?" asked Melody

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"Fancy cocktails and Shadow drinks whisky on occassion. Remember he can't get drunk.'

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"Oh, don't make that face." Said Glen."If you want , we'll share one, alright ?"


"Me, merely taking a little vacation. I kind of needed that ." Said Younger red.


"Life is always an enjoyment when you are here Crowley." Said Older Red.

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"Ah, yeah. Cocktails make more sense. And I shoulda remembered about Shadow."


"Ah, I understand," said Anna. "If you stay here for a bit it should be more relaxing than normal.... Well, I say should...." A momentary sad look appeared on Anna's face as she remembered what happened with Miles.


"I'm not sure sharing towels is a good idea, but let's worry about the practicalities later."

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"oh, I know this Look Anna." Said Young Red."Did something happen ?"


"Sure. now let's enjoy the water."

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"So, how about we make our own little cocktail?"


"Thank you Red. I can safely say the same to you.

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"Yeah, sounds like a plan," said Melody as she opened the drinks cabinet. "Hmm, they have a mixing guide here, or do we just choose what looks good?" she asked.

(ooc: Kids, DO NOT try this at home! :P )


Anna's voice returned to it's quiet, shy form. "It was Miles. I told him I was gonna stay. He didn't believe me. He thought it was mind control, or something. He tried to kidnap me. And now he's in No-Zone jail."


"Good idea, as long as there is no evil fish this time!"

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"The mixing guide. Let's try to choose something with as little alcohol as possible. I don't want to collapse in a heap or do somethingembarassing."

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"There wasn't last time, there won't today;" Said Glen walking toward the water.


"I see.... poor kid, even for what he did, it's not a place for him....."


"aww, thank yu crowley." Said Older red, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

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"Hmm, what about this one? It looks and sounds nice. Almost like a milkshake" said Melody pointing at the list.

(ooc: And while not planned, I've just realized that's a callback to Ziona's comment about alcoholic milkshakes!)


"I know. Even with what he did I still feel sorry for him. I wish he'd chosen to just leave."

(ooc: at that is probably the first time Anna/Mina has ever felt sorry for someone as far as Red knows)


"Good," said Ziona, running towards the water and jumping in.

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"Yeah. You get the drink, I'll get the ice cream and milk," said Melody as she took the wine glasses they been using, placing next to the sink with the others from last night, and put the bottle back where she found it.

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"Sometimes they just don't listen Anna, you couldn't do much about it."


"Crowley please ..." Said Older Red,"You make like so much more exciting."


"Well, here goes nothing." Said Glen, jumping in the water.


It has been a while since Tikal and Skye were near the fall."It's a really nice Story Skye."

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Hope grabbed the required bottle and brought it over.


"Do I?" asked Crowley.

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"Thank you Tikal," replied Skye. "I'm glad you like it. It was a bit of a gamble when I first chose it to read at the shrine."


"Okay, lets see," murmured Melody as she read the guide. "This and this, then do that..." she started mixing the drinks.


"I know. But hopefully he'll have learned now," replied Anna


Ziona started swimming out into slightly deeper water.

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"Hopefully....." Said Younger red.


"Of course you do !" Said Older Red.


"Your gamble was a good one then." Said Tikal.


"Careful not to get too far away ." Said Glen."Swimming can get very Tiring."

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Hope eagerly awaited the drink to finish blending.


"Well it's nice to know someone feels that way."

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"Yeah. I can't image how it could have turned out better," replied Skye.


"There we go, done!" said Melody with a little thrill of excitement. She put the bottle away, then handed a glass to Hope.


"Yeah. Hey, by the way!" said Anna, loosing her shyness again, "You haven't said what you think of my new colours!"


"I know," called back Ziona now treading water. "I just needed to let out a bit of tension!"

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Astrea and Kali look out to the open land.

"This is beautiful." Kali says astonished. "Your world is so free and nourished.

"You'd be surprised if you entered Eggman-land." Knuckles replies.

"Is it full of volcanoes and fire?" Astraea asks.

"At this point, I wish."

Chaos continues to stare blankly into the wild life.

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