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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Glen patred Zionna on her head.


"Then let's do something about it." Saud Tikal , as she tried to catch skye.

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Skye tried to grab Tikal but failed. Thankfully Anna caught her hand before she hit the ground.

"Phew. Thank's Anna!" Skye said with a sigh of relief. "And I fully agree with you Tikal. Let's find the others and deal with... whatever that was..."


Ziona giggled, enjoying the pat.

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"Good girl ." Said Glen ." You deserve a hug too ."


"thank for the help." Saud Tikal .

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"It is, so aside from dealing with other DEL, you got any ideas?"

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"Well, I'm already with you guys aren't I?"

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"Indeed . And I guess you are quite happy with that." Said Locke.

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"Yes I am. So, I guess I'll just keep up with what I'm doing then, right?"

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"Do as you wish dylan." Saud Locke."I cannot be the master of your destiny."

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"No, but there are some things you would need to be involved in. Take Haven for example. I've moved all my stuff in one of your basement's. That's your home. It's your choice how long it's there for"

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Hope thought for a moment.

"Maybe we could go over them? Or use something to clear the path?" she suggested.

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"No problem," said Anna with a shy smile.

"So back to the issue of finding Melody and Hope!"


"Clear a path... Any flaming torches nearby?" Melody asked


"So do you," replied Ziona.

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"Yeah... behind the horde," said Hope.

The creature circled above the others, waiting to make a move.

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"I doubt that grave was the only way in. We need to find a tunnel or a mausoleum that leads underground."


"I've got pretty thick boots on. Wanna try for the running over option till we get that torch?"

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"I'll leave that to Skye and his magic! Or just burn them!" said Melody as she got ready to run.

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"I see . Well, This will be taken care in due time."Said Locke."I won't just make you move like that . "


"Here . Come closer ...." Said Glen.


Tikal stayed near skye.

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"I'm sorry I dragged you into this Tikal," said Skye. "I thought it would be fun."

"Does... does that go underground," asked Anna, pointing towards a small crypt.


"Here we go, hang on!" said Melody as she began running. "Eww, this is horrible!" she exclaimed.


Ziona did so, a little surprised at how easy she now found it to be so close to someone.

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Hope kept her gaze straight ahead, not wanting to look down and see the results.

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"It's alright." Said Tikal."You just couldn't know ."


Glen embraced Zionna in a hug . It was strange in a way , but it was nice to be with someone. It was warm .

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"But still, you didn't want to go in the first place..." Skye continued, then looked over to Anna. "That looks promising. Let's check it out!"


"Get ready to grab the torch Hope," called Melody as they got near. "Cause it's either that or I drop you!"


Ziona returned the hug, albeit slightly awkwardly given the large stuffed raccoon. It felt good to be able to be this close with someone.

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"It's alright Skye." Said tikal.


"I wonder who is warmer ? You, or the stuffed Raccoon," Said Glen."My bet is both ."

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"Thank you. But I will find some better way to say sorry to you." Skye looked into the crypt.

"There's some torches on the wall. It looks like it leads deeper," said Anna.


"Start waving it. Get them to back off. They're starting to climb my boots," yelled Melody, her voice almost reaching a shriek.


"I guess we'll need to do some tests to find out," said Ziona with a smile.

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