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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Dylan , we aren't close enough to push our relationship to another level." Said Glen."But maybe with Zionna..."

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"Not necessarily. Now you don't have to follow any set path. You can choose what to do with your life, master of your own destony," said Crowley in an attempt to reassure her.

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(Ooc: But i though ... oh wait . I kida lost it . But it came back )

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(ooc: Crowley was in the medical bay too. Shadow etc are in the hotel.)

"Wait... so what happened in the dream.... the fact that you two were...." Mina tried to ask, looking at Skye and Melody. Skye nodded somberly in reply.

"But then..." She turned to Red and Crowley. "Why are they here? Why are you here?"


"Shall I leave the two of you alone for some privacy?" Ziona said to Glen and Dylan.

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"I don't see why you'd need to. In fact, I'm the one who should probably leave you two alone."

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"To cut a long story short, Shadow and the others were pulled inside of Skye's during a dream. When we exited, Melody, Red and I, all previously just figments of his memories, found ourselves in other people's minds. Through a machine, I was extracted from Shadow's mind and the others from different people. We were given physical forms, and in my case, I was given a name. That is how we are here."

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"I'd rather spend some time with you Ziona ." Said Glen."But I can't say no to Dylan , since he is also there ."


"They had to leave , mina ." Said Red."You changed , for the worst ."

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"I... changed... So bad they had to... leave... Oh no. Tell me I didn't... Tell me I didn't end up like my mother," Mina begged to Red. She looked at Crowley. "You said I could change this. You were telling the truth? You weren't lying?"


"Hmm, I think sunrise shouldn't be too far away. How about we go and watch it, and maybe it will make a nice photo for Dylan as well?"

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"I'm not lying. By virtue of the fact I'm standing before you right now, I know you can change this. You don't have to follow what their memories of you were. You can choose to do whatever you want. You could even not have children, and it would not erase Skye and Melody."

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"How you'll end up only depend of you."Said Red ."No matter what, i'll be there."


"I'll follow you anywhere , cutie ." Said Glen ."But dylan, well it's another story i guess."

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"I... I gonna need the help Red," said Mina, all traces of her confident, cocky attitude vanished. "I don't know what I can do but..."

Mina turned to face the children, who were still standing there silently, not sure what to say. "I can't let this happen."

Suddenly she rushed at Melody and hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry for everything I put you through. I swore I'd never be like my mother, which just makes it worse. I want to find some way to make it up to you."


"I think it's his decision," said Ziona. "You are welcome to join us if you want."

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"I'm sure you will be able to, in time. But I'd imagine you want to be alone with them right now, so I bid you farewell," said Crowley.

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"Mina..." started Red."you are still yourself. it is not necesseraly what's going to happen you know ? It can always change ."


"Well, let's enjoy the sunrise then . Coming ?" Said Glen to Zionna.

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"I know, I know," sobbed Mina. "But it happened to them, and that's bad enough. I never wanted to be anything like her and I..." She paused, and looked towards the leaving Crowley.

"Crowley, I... I.. would like it if you stayed... but if you want to go..."

"Its okay" began Melody, managing to pull a hand free and pet her on the back. "The fact you're not gonna let it happen again is enough Mother... Mom..." Mina managed a tear filled chuckle.

"I... I think that's something I can't do though.... be your Mom. I mean, you're almost as old as I am!"


"Sounds good."

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"If you want me to stay, then I'll gladly do so."

Hope got herself a drink and then started to look over the schematics.

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"I'll come too, if you want me to. If not, I could always check on the others instead"

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Red didn't know what to think."Mina...melody, can you two please come in ? I need you both right now ."


"Then let's move people ." Said Glen before opening the glass door.

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"Of course Mo...er," Melody glanced at Mina, "er.. Red..."

"So Red... adopted you two?" asked Mina. Melody nodded.

"You couldn't have asked for better," said Mina as she walked over to Red's side, and squeezed her hand. "We're here."

Skye held back near the door, unsure what to do. "Tikal?" he asked, looking around. He need a bit of comfort.


Ziona smiled, picked up her milkshake, and walked out onto the balcony.

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"What are waiting for skye ?"asked Red ."Are you waiting for me to get up and get you there myself ? I'm afraid this won't be possible. Can you try to get a little more closer ? I won't bite , just hug." She smiled


Tikal standed back, Happy for skye.


"Looks like we are right on time " Said Glen."Everything is lighting up."

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Knuckles follows his grandfather as Kali walks up to Astraea.

"You seem to be pretty obsessed with power." he says to her as she continues to poke her lip out.

"Please, the only reason you could take him was because you had an advantage, in a real fight that man would kill you." she replies back.

"That's why I would like to fight with my new found companions, as well as you." Kali grabs her hand and lifts her off the steps by surprise. "Let's hurry and catch up to them." he says, turning over to Knuckles and Spectre.

Astraea is left dumbstruck as Kali pulls her along. She finally gets her thoughts back as she pulls her hand from Kali. "D-don't hold me like that!" she says blushing again.

"You have to hurry and follow them then." Kali says obliviously.


"So grandfather, are these books possibly on Angel Island, or will we have to go onto the mainland?" Knuckles says out of curiosity.

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(Ooc: Kali-sama, Sto-stop it , nya ! )

Spectre took some time to think."Hum, from what I remember , these

books were moved recently . " He kept on."There are three of them: two on the island , and the last one , in downunda."

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(ooc: On phone so no formatting for a change.)

"Sorry, I thought," began Skye, then his face split into a grin and he almost ran to Red's side. "Thanks Mom."

Mina looked a little confused, not knowing how to react.


"Do you mean laterally or metaphorically as well?" Ziona asked

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"It's good to have you all at my side . Yes, even you crowley ." Said Red with a smile .


"Laterally?" Asked glen."Well, that would be a bit hard to tell , if you want my opinion."

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