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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Yeah, anyone would in that situation."


After a few minutes she'd finished.


"For the time being I'd prefer to be left alone. In time I might be happy to see her."

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"A-are you sure?" Sarah asked


"Thanks Zoe" Dominic said smiling back

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"I am?" asked Anna surprised.




"Exactly.  Those aliens arecreepy," said Melody




"That was fast," said Miles, half way through.




"Er... o-okay," said Skye.  He looked around.  "Huh, I though I left my notebook right there?"




Stacey nodded.  "Very very sure."




"So where is Mom?" Zoe asked.

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"Poor guy gets dragged down. Not many left now."


"It was only a loght lunch. And eating slowly isn't a luxury you can afford in my job."


"What's in it? Would anyone here have reason to steal it?"

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"Okay" Sarah said


"Uh... dunno. Let's go find them" Dominic said

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"Let's not do that again." Said Seviper.

"Everything was fine..." Said Fenn.

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Yea. (Said Spark still giggling a little.)

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"Nope... so who's next for lunch?" wondered Melody.




"I guess not.  That's one perk of this crazy assignment," smiled Miles.




"It's got all my spell notes and stuff, but I doubt anyone stole it.  I probibly just left it in my room," said Skye.




Stacey smiled.  "How will the bread be coming?"




"Okay," smiled Zoe.  "Oh, did you find the spell we're looking for?" she asked.



"I'll try not to!" said Harmony.




"I... never thought about that," said Anna

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"Well now corporate sleazeball has bit the dust I'd say the tough lady."


"Yeah. It's been a pretty strange assignment."


"Oh. Well that's much less worrying. I'll wait here if you want to get it."

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"What were you two climbing trees for anyway?" Asked Seviper.

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Thought about what, Being funny? (Asked Spark.)

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"Soon" Sarah said


"I dunno. Maybe" Dominic said

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"Yeah, that looks like a good call," said Melody.




"Yes it has," laughed Miles.  "You'll have some stories to tell when you go back!"




"No, it's okay.  I know this stuff by heart," said Skye.  "I prefer to check, but I've done it enough not to need to."




"Fenn's Ninja training," said harmony.




"Yeah.  Funny... well... isn;t my thing," said Anna.




"Great!" grinned Stacey.




"Maybe?" asked Zoe

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"She'll take a few with her I reckon," said Topaz


"At this rate it's gonna be if, not when."


"That's good to know."

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"Well you have fun with that! I don't need any kind of training!" Said Seviper.

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"If not half the hive," said Melody




"Really?" asked Miles a little shocked.




Skye picked up some chalk and started drawing on the floor.  "This might take twenty minutes.  Do you wanna wait, or...?"




"Really?" asked Harmony

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"Heh yeah. I need one of those pulse rifles."


"I just have a gut feeling I'll be here when something goes down."


"I can wait here. I've got no other plans."

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Oh okay. (Spark felt like he made the conversation a little awkward.)

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"Of course not! I'm fit and health!" Said Seviper who then coughed.

"Surrrrre you are!" Said Fenn.

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"To the drawing board?" asked Melody.




"I'm sorta hoping nothing else does go down," said Miles.




"Okay!  Just don;t touch the circle," said Skye.




"Yeah... assassins aren't usually known for their sense of humour," said Anna.




Hamrony shook her head

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"I'll get on it tomorrow," laughed Hope.


"So am I, doesn't mean it won't "


"Understood. Thank you for doing this."

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"I c-can go check now if you want" Sarah said


"I think this is it" Dominic said pointing

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"No doubt!" laughed Melody.




"I guess so," said Miles.




"It's no problem.  Anything for a friend," said Skye.




"Sure, let's go check," said Stacey.




"Are you sure?" asked Zoe.




"Maybe you should rest," suggested Harmony

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