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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Hi, I'm Skye," he said sticking out his had. "We.... sorta met, but not exactly!"


"Does it matter?" asked Zoe, a little creully.

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"YOU'RE Skye?" Mark asked in surprise


Sarah processed everything then shook her head

"No. I will go make sandwiches. What would you like my lady?" she asked

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"Not yet. Just stay calm.l, I won't let it harm you."


"Yeah. That might be tricky."

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"Yep, that's me.... I think it was mentioned at one point that I was a fox...."


Zoe was a little thrown by the use of 'my lady' again. "Uh.. anything really, just not too many vegetables..."


"All we need to do is run... Would we be safer outdoors?" wondered Miles.


"Hmm, any ideas?"

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"Yeah. I remember. I didn't really believe you" Mark admitted


Sarah shifted uncomfortably

"Are you sure, my lady?" she asked quietly. "I don't want to dissatisfy you"

Again she paused, now looking worried

"What am I doing? What am I thinking?" she asked herself

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"Well, here's the proof," smiled Skye.


"Uh, can you stop the my lady thing... I've never liked it," said Zoe. "As for what you're doing.... well..." her eyes darted towards the pool.

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"I can see. Nice to meet you Skye" Mark said


"Stop me" Sarah said. She wanted to shout that but her loud, confident voice was replaced by a quiet, weak one

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"Nice to meet you to. Sorry about all the shocks," said Skye.

"I think the worst ones are over now," said Stacey.


"Stop you? How?" asked Zoe. "I... don't think we can."

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"I think so. At the least it'd give us more room to maneuvre."


"Not really. Can you tuck it in your clothes?"

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"I hope so. I don't think I can take to many more" Mark said


"You have to. I can't be acting like this. I-I-I'm not some peasant" Sarah said

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"Then let's head out!" said Miles.


"It'll be a bit uncomfortable," said Melody. "I could transform.... or find a long coat to wear!"


Skye thought. "The worst ones are definitely over, but there may be smaller ones..."


"But you're not royalty here either!" said Zoe a little spitefully

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Mark gulped

"I... guess I need to be ready" he said


"B-b-but I'm the d-daughter of the bride" Sarah managed to stutter, feeling bad at talking back to Zoe

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Shadow loojed through the peephole on the door then opened it.

"Come on, elevator's just over here."


"Maybe the former would be easier for tonight."

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"You'll mange," said Stacey. "Now let's get something to eat!"

"Careful, I'm not sure if your friend is hungry," said Skye.


"But the bride isn't in this world... and even if she was, would she recognize you?" asked Zoe.


"Wouldn't stairs be safer. Less chance of being trapped in a small box!"


"The tucking it in thing?"

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"I am kinda hungry" Mark said


Sarah looked down at herself again and shook her head

"I want to be normal again" she said

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"Right, let's go!" I'm starving!" said Stacey.


"You will be... in time," said Zoe.

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Mark slowly got up

"Ready" he said


"Time? No. Not in time. I want to be normal no" Sarah said still failing to speak loudly

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"Fair point." Shadow looked in the stairwell and opened the door.

"It's clear for the moment."


"No, the transformation. You'd boil in a coat."

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"Right. Remember your way to the kitchen?" asked Stacey.


"Tough. You're gonna be stuck like this for a few days at least!" lied Zoe.


"Okay, let's go carefully," said Miles heading down the stairs.


"Fair point.... okay...." Melody took a small piece of chalk from her pocket and drew a large circle, with a line heading to a smaller one. "Could you stand there," Melody asked, pointing at the smaller circle while she knelt in the larger one. "It will make it easier."

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"Uh... no. Sorry" Mark said


"A few days?" Sarah asked horrified. "No. I can't. Please get me back to normal, my lady"

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"Okay, this way," said Stacey leading the way while Skye followed.


"I'm sorry, I'm not able to do that," said Zoe.

'And it will be a good lesson for you!' she thought to herself.

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Shadow was close behind, and heard the door at the top open and close after they were a few floors lower.

"Keep going."


"Sure thing," smiled Hope, stepping into the circle.

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Miles gulped and started to run.


"Thanks!" said Melody, dropping the illusion covering her, and starting to chant under her breath.

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"Thanks" Mark said following


"What can I do then?" Sarah asked

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"No problem," said Stacey as they walked through Haven.


"Er, learn to live with it?" said Zoe

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