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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Yeah! Let's go!"Dylan said running off

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"We should wake Skye first!" called Miles, walking to Skye's room as Ziona flew over.

"Hi Dylan! Hi Uncle Miles! Are we gonna bring Greeny to life now? Huh, are we?" she asked excitedly.


"oh... that's good," said Melody

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"Zouge? It's Zunnie. Ziona's been turned into a kid bat, and has trouble sleeping normally."


"Yes. I've decided it doesn't bother me. There are just a few opinions I care about."

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"Hi Ziona. We're gonna get Rexy back firs'!" Dylan said

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"Oh? Rexy's gone?" asked Ziona sadly.


(ooc: Lol. The look on Zouge's face would have been interesting to see there!)


"I suppose that's one way of looking at it, yeah."

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(OOC Heh, yeah that'd be a sight to see)

"I know it's weird, but luckily it's temporary. Ues I'll tell her. Also Zamy had another... episode. She's coping with them or at least seems to be. But I thought ya'll should know."


"It's the best given my circumstances."

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(ooc: Just as long as Zouge doesn't insist on Ziona getting counseling when back to normal!)

"Yes, if you tried to please everyone you'd get nothing done. Doubly in your line of work!" said Melody.

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Dylan nodded sadly

"While I was having a nap" he said

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Ziona gulped, then flew down and hugs Dylan. "I'm so sorry. Rexy was so nice, Just like you."

Miles knocked on Skye's door and walked in. Skye was curled up in bed, making little 'burrburrburr' noises as he slept.

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"You'll give her a visit? That may be best. She's in her apartment."



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"Sorry I... kinda gave some useless advice there," said Melody. "Uh... could... could someone get me a drink please. I'm feeling a bit thirsty, and don't trust getting one myself yet!"

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"Thanks," said Melody taking the glass and a sip. "But it was if you already knew it, and had gone your own way!"

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"I try not to worry about anything Shadow!" smiled Melody as she started moving her legs again. "This is getting easier!"

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"Yea, but I'm still a little scared to try standing again," said Melody

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"Good idea!" nodded Melody as she started stretching her legs. "Is there a gym near here? So When I can walk I can start building up my legs again?" she asked.

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"Yes but it's usually full and the equipment is normal sized for a human, unsurprisingly. Even a treadmill's controls would be at head height for you."

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"Oh... yeah... I didn't think of that.... hmm..." Melody thought for a second, then looked at Hope. "Just an idea, but do you wanna try and do a bit more magic training and help me out at the same time?"

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Dylan smiled a little and went a little red as he was hugged

"Yeah. He was bu' Uncle Miles is gonna ge'him back for me" he said

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"You are? That's great Uncle Miles!" said Ziona, spinning round and hugging him.

"Whoa, that's okay Ziona. You don't need to thank me!" said Miles, a little perplexed.


"How about trying to see if you can summon some gym equipment for legs that the right size?" suggested Melody.

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