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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Okay! That's a grea' idea!" Dylan said grinning

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"Yweah. I'll swee you when you wake up!" said Skye waving as he jogged down the stairs

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"Okay! See you Skye!" Dylan called as he went in his room

"Rexy!" He said hugging the T Rex as he greeted him

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Skye ran down the the basement.

"Now... where mwy nwotebwook? I cwan uwse thwat to swet...." There was a sudden flash of light around Skye, and he yawned heavily. "I... fweel... so... slweep..." Skye curled up and drifted off to sleep.

Miles walked into the lab from where he'd been leaning against the door, his hand still flicking with energy from the sleep spell he cast.

"I said no practicing magic Skye," said Miles as he picked Skye up. "Let's get you to your room."

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"That's not surprising. I'm not, funnily enough."


"That's just life. It couldn't come back easy."

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"I know, you can't wait for things to get back to normal," said Miles.


Melody gave a small laugh. "True. At least I'm getting it back!"

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"I know," said Miles sadly. "I'm sorry. At least neither me or you fell in!"


"Should I try moving them yet?" asked Melody

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"That's true. I may have perpetually screamed in horror otherwise."


It's worth a shot. But take it slow."

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"If I fell in, yes. I you did... I dunno, maybe you'd be happily playing 'house' with Ziona or something!" joked Miles


Melody looked back and tried to hove her legs. The right one gave a slight twitch, but that was all. She looked a little disappointed.

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Zamy shuddered. "I'd have cuffed myself to something to prevent that long before my mind went weird if I fell in."


"It's ok. Be positive, an hour ago you had no movement."

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"Sorry, I suppose that wasn't funny. I was just trying to lighten the mood." He sighed. "It's getting worse, Dylan isn't picking up on me calling him 'kid' anymore, and... freaks out whenever I mention the adult thing. At least Ziona's reminder token seems to work."


"Yeah, I shouldn't expect just to be able to leap up and run again!" said Melody, but it was clear that was what she was hoping for.

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"Is there anything we can do bar forced re education? Because if that's the only option, we may have to."


"Given the rate of regeneration I'd say you could do that within the hour," said Hope R.

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Miles pondered for a moment. "I think Dylan is still in there, just suppressed. And when the enchantment is broken, he should be back to normal. Though... he may be a bit... disorientated for a few hours. It should be possible to bring at least part of Dylan back to the surface tmeporaily... though, the last time I tried that he freaked out... I'm.... I'm worried he might be liking the change now..."


"Really? Wow!" Melody's eyes were shining at the thought.

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"Yes. But I won't let it stop me changing him back," said Miles.


"Yeah, it is.... Uh... keep talking please! I could do with a distraction!"

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"Good to hear. I wonder how he'll react when he's adult again. I hope amnesia for his sake."


"Erm, OK. What do you want to do with your wheelchair now you can walk again?"

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Miles slumped in a chair. "No, it won't be that. That's not how these transformations work."


"Don't give it up quite yet, just in case," said Melody. "But... hmmm, maybe we could turn it into a buggy or something!"

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"Oh dear. What will it be?"


"That might be a little unstable but we could try."

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"He'll remember it all. It might be a little fuzzy, but he will remember," said Miles.


"Heh, why not. What's life without a little unstablity!"

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"That might make things pretty awkward for a long while."


"Given how fast you'd want it to go, it wouldn't last long."

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"Yes, I know. I doubt we'll see much of him. I suspect he'll just hide in his room or basement," said Miles. "But he should feel ashamed, it's not his fault he's acting like this."


"I...uh... okay, good point!" smiled Melody

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"I know. But that'll be of little comfort I imagine."


"But we could still do something to it."

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"No, it's not," agreed Miles.


"Hmm, yeah. Any other ideas?" asked Melody

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"Well if you want to head off and do whatever, I'll start my daily reports."


"Not at the moment I'm afraid."

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