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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Stacey shook his head,turned and walked off.

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"GET BACK HERE!" Sarah shouted, lunging at Stacey

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Stacey half turned as Sarah lunged, and instinctively defended himself, trying to grab Sarah's arm and throwing her past him.

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"HEY!" Sarah shouted as she was thrown. She flew right into the pool

Dominic stared


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"Uh oh...." murmured Stacey as he looked at the pool

Miles eye's widened as he heard the splash. "I hope that wasn't what I think it was," he said turning slowly.

"You didn't mean to do that, did you?" Skye asked Stacey.

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Dylan smirled

"That could teach her a lesson" he thought

"Ypu threw Sarah in!" Dominic exclaimed

In the pool, a lot of splashing could be heard. Then it went silent

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"I... didn't mean to..." said Stacey. He hurried to the edge, then paused, scared of the water.

"We better get her out!" said Zoe, flying and hovering over the pool, looking for Sarah to pull her out.

"So... WHO landed in the pool?" asked Miles heavily.

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"Sarah said!" Dominic said

Mark kept his distance, too scared by everyone's reactions to Sarah falling in to come closer

Suddenly a grey hand reached over the side

"Get me out!" Sarah's voice called out

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Skye gave a slightly twisted smile, then closed his eyes. "It's good to have my magic back fully!" he said as he summoned a full-body mirror.

"Sarah... the loud-angry one?" asked Miles.

"I've got ya!" called Zoe as she grabbed the arm and flew to the side.

"Huh... her voice sounds the same!" said Stacey, a little surprised.

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"You shpuld've let me pulverise her. Less hassle," said Shadow walking over and grabbing Sarah by the throat.

"So, you got a problem with hedgehogs, runt?"


""There are plenty of hotels around here," said Hope.

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(Er.... I'm not sure that Shadow's actions quite work with what just happened)

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Dominic nodded

"That's her" he said

From the water, a wolf girl was pulled out. She was still the same age as she was when a lynx. She wore overalls similar to Zoe's, but they were a dull brown and looked much older. Flowers had been sewn on, some of which looked ready to fall off, and in some spots there were flowets drawn on. There were many rips and tears in her overalls too. Her hair was a mess, and despite being in the pool, it looked like it hadn't been properly clean for a while. There was some dirt on her face and overalls too

Dominic stared open mouthed

(Uh... if it's okay with you Shadow, I'm going to skip that part)

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Stacey had a look of shock similar to Dominic's.

Skye grinned. "Oh, she's not gonna like that!"

Miles gave a sigh of relief. "Phew, I was worried she'd come out older!" He turned to Skye. "You're enjoying this!"

"You haven't spend a month with her whining and complaining about you," said Skye.

"Let's... uh... get you back to shore..." said Zoe, landing at the side of the pool, looking Sarah up and down.


"Let's hope they're not all full!"

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Mark, in the back of the room, looked for a bit then fainted

Dominic kept staring

"What are you staring at?" Sarah demanded. "Of course I'm a mess after getting thrown in that pool!"

She glared at Stacey, not noticing what she looked like

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Skye gave a whistle. "Oi, Miss High-and-mighty, you might want to have a look in this!" he said, jerking his thumb at the mirror.

"I'm... I'm sorry Sarah... I didn't mean to," Stacey managed to say, not noticing Mark yet.

Zoe giggled. "I know I pulled you from the pool, but that's not a reason to try and dress like me!"

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Sarah looked to Stacey

"What do you mean?" She asked. She then looked to Zoe

"Dress like you? What do you..." she began before turning to the mirror and looking at herself. She stared at ger reflection then screamed

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Zoe covered her ear and Stacey winced as Sarah screamed.

"Yep, she's not happy," said Skye.

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"I give up," muttered Zamy as she teleported to her apartment and started her paperwork.

Shadow left quietly.


"I'm sure we can find somewhere."

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Miles turned and saw Zamy teleport away. "Zamy? Uh... I better go Skye," he said, running out of the library.


"With any luck, yes we will," said Melody

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Dylan was still smirking

Sarah turned to Stacey

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?! I LOOK LIKE SOME PEASANT GIRL!" Sarah shouted, clearly panicked

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"I... I didn't do anything... It was the pool! It's enchanted!" said Stacey nervously.

"I think it does suit you Sarah!" said Zoe, smirking a little.

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Dominic giggled

"SHUT UP!" Sarah shouted at Zoe. She then turned back to Stacey. "BUT YOU THREW ME IN! A-AND YOU MADE M-me look like this!"

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Zoe was starting to giggle as well. She looked at Dominic. "I wanted to see her brought down a peg or two!" she whispered to him.

"But I didn't mean to throw you in. And you leapt at me! I was defending myself!" said Stacey.

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"She could use that" Dominic whispered back. "Hey. Aren't wolves servants to Yagyu?"

"I-it's still your fault!" Sarah shouted, but getting quieter

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"Well, why did you rush over and start yelling at me, demanding to know what I was doing?" asked Stacey, starting to get angry.

"Yeah, that's true. But I don't think it applies in this Zone," whispered back Zoe. "Shame!"

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