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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Ok that's good to know."


Zamy smiled at the pair

"Glad that's sorted." She then looked to Shadow.

"Sorry about this Zhadow.... I mean Shadow! Well you do look identical minus the uniform."

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'Yeah... but... if we're stuck for a few days I might not be able to keep it up,' she warned.


"How can I make it up to you?" asked Miles

"Just forget it happened," said Anna.

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'Probably best... let's hope the teleporter isn't damaged.'


"O-okay Anna. I'm... still sorry...." said Miles.

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'So what went wrong?' asked Melody.


"I'm.. uh... gonna find Dylan then head back to the lab," said Miles

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Dylan was still outside


"Because it's not fair I go when you two don't!" Sarah said

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"Not fair?" asked Skye amused.


'Just that? Good. Nothing to worry about' thought Melody.


"Great. Where is he?" Miles asked Zamy.

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"Exactly. I'll get them right soon enough."


"He's outside," she replied, showing the tracker.

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'Just be careful on our next jump!'


"Thanks Zamy," said Miles, looking at the location and heading outside.

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"That seemed to work," said Anna to Zamy.


"Dylan? Are you here?" called Miles as he reached the spot the tracker indicated

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"Yeah. I'll never be remembered as the inventer of time travel though."


"I had to give him a bit of a morale boost."

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'Unless you go back in Time to point it out!'


"It seems to have worked. Do you think... it will last?"

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'I never thought you were!'


"Hopefully he'll manage to get the notion out of his head"

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"Over here Uncle Miles" Dylan called sliding off the rock he was on


"Yes. We all go or no one" Sarah said crossing her arms

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"Nah, I'm not in the mood," said Skye.


"There you are Dyl---er, Dominic, having fun?" asked Miles, hoping that none of the tears were showing.


'Heh, I'd hope so' giggled Melody.


"So... will you look into finding another family to take him in?" asked Anna

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"I was practicing lifting this rock!" Dylan said. "You called me Dylan again while you were calling"


"Then I'm not doing it" Sarah said trying not to look relieved

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"Lifting the rock?" asked Miles surprised. "You're not that strong Dominic. And, er... sorry about that..."


"What if it was just me and you, Mark watching?" asked Skye.

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"You on the other hand, your highness," teased Hope.


"He'd never leave. And I'm not sure I could find anyone he'd like anyway."

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'I'm not vain, I just know I'm perfect!' grinned Melody.


"So... you're stuck with him?"

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"I can do it! I'll show you!" Dylan said


"Everyone!" Sarah said insistently

Mark was saying "no" quietly, over and over again

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