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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Well I did have one that I couldn't sleep without," replied Zamy with a smile. "And that's a good point. Magic was normal for him."


"It'll just do nothing. There's little risk involved."

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Miles smiled. "Almost the same thing. And don't worry, I'll keep an eye on them so the spell doesn't misfire or somesuch."


"Really? Uh, okay... guess I'm ready!" said Melody

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"Thanks Miles."


Shadow gave Melody a lift out of her chair and sat her on the table. Hope K came over with a reassuring smile.

"I hope this doesn't hurt much, but it is a needle going into your back. Hopefully the cells will repair it all fast."

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Dylan whined a little as his friends kept arguing

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Skye and Ziona kept arguing, until Ziona shoved Skye, sending him falling to the ground with surprise.


"Trust me, if they're gonna be throwing magic around there's no need to thank me. It just safer!"


"Yeah, I hope so too..." said Melody, wincing slightly.

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"STOPPIT!" Dylan finally shouted. "YOU'RE MEAN' TO BE FRIENDS!"

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"You... you pushed me!" said Skye surprised.

Ziona jumped at Dylan's shout, and looked between Skye and Dylan, then burst into tears. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" she sobbed.


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"I know, how Ziona don't shove Skye around," scolded Zamy.

Zunnie hurried over.

"What the heck are you doing gal? This isn't you. Not even as a kid."


Hope R walked behind Melody and lifted her shirt slightly. With a quick motion she jabbed it into the small of her back and pressed the plunger down.

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Ziona looked up at the two Zone Cops, then started crying heavily again. She ran over to Zunnie, clutching her.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I dunno wha' came over me! I didn' wan' to hurt him!"


Melody flinched slightly as the needle went in, "So... how long...?"

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"Can' you both be friends an' stop fightin'?" Dylan asked cryong a little too

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"You didn't hurt him, I think. But something's wrong. As kids you never did this. What were you fighting about anyway?"


"5 minutes or so. Maybe more."

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Miles went over and, after a moments hesitation, hugged both Dylan and Skye. Skye wasn't crying, but was still looking surprised.

"We... we were argwuing whwther blwue or rwed was cwooler," said Skye.

"I think Dylan is cooler when he's red!" sobbed Ziona.


Melody gulped. "I hope it won't hurt!"

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Dylan hugged Miles back still crying

"I don' wan' them to be arguin'!" He whined

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"You were arguing over a colour!? This has affected you worse than I thought Ziona," said Zunnie, clearly worried about her friend.


"It shouldn't do, it is healing after all. If it works you should get feeling in your legs again soon."

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"Sowwy Dwylan. I dwidn' mwean to awrgue!" said Skye, tears starting to form.

Ziona went wide eyed. "It... it has???"

"I think now might be a good time to head back," said Miles. "I think these kids are just over-excited and over-tired!"


"That's goo..." Melody began, then stopped and shuddered.

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"Can you try to be frien's still Skye?" Dylan asked

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"It's made you a kid, but when we were kids I never saw you shove someone, especially not over something as stupid as a colour. I don't think it's made you the old you, if that makes sense."

"I think leaving might be best," said Zamy.


"Are you OK?" asked Hope K.

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"I dwo wanna bwe frwiends!" said Skye.

Ziona started giggling, though still crying. "I thought the wings made that clear!"


"Yeah. It's not hurting but it feels... really... weird..." said melody. "And I'm USED to weird."

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Zunnie chuckled. "Yeah, that's true."


"I assume that's my cells starting the repairs," said Shadow.

Hope knocked her knuckle on Melody's knee to see if her leg reacted. "Feel anything yet?"

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"So are you gonna stop arguing?" Dylan asked

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"But I wanna be kid me, not another kid!" said Ziona.

"Yweah! We will!" said Skye.

"Can you teleport us back Zamy. I think three little ones could do with a nap!" said Miles.


"Not a thing," said Melody, but her leg did twitch slightly at Hope's tap.

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Dylan smiled

"Thanks Skye" he said

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"I know. But that darn spell had other ideas," said Zunnie as she teleported her and Ziona back to haven, Zamy doing the same for the rest.


"Hey, it moved. It must be working!"

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"No prob-whoop! Oh, we're home!" said Skye.

"But why. Why can't it just make me kid me!" sobbed Ziona.


"It did?" asked melody, turning her head smiling

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Dylan looked around

"Oh yeah! Aww... we didn' go on the bigger rides!" Dylan said

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