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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Where does it say he's goin'?" Dylan asked not noticing Ziona blush

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"Uh..." Skye looked at the screen, feeling a little woozy again standing right next to Zark/ "I thwink thwat's the gwift shwop..."

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"Gif' shop! Maybe he's gettin' us presents!" Dylan said jumping up and down excitedly

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"Yweah! Thwat mwust bwe it. Mwiles is rweally nwice lwike thwat!" said Skye.

"I hope so," said Ziona quietly.

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Dylan grinned

"Yeah! He really is very nice! Uncle Miles is the nices' uncle I know!"

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Shadow laughed. "Yeah something like that."


Zunnie waved. "Hey Skye. How's it going? Any luck finding Miles, Zark?"

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"Gwoing rweally grweat thwanks!" said Skye grinning. "You hwaving a gweat twime twoo?"


"Did you get a framed certificate too?"

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Dylan began jumping a little impatiently while waiting to continue finding Miles

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"Thwat's good! Now lwet's gwo!" Skye grinned, jogging off to the Gift Shop.

"Sorry Zunnie, I'm sure he doesn't mean to be rude," said Ziona.


"Cheapskate!" laughed Melody.

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Dylan grinned

"Grea'!" He said before running after Skye

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"I know Ziona. Thank you."


"More like the store ran out. Everybody wanted that certificate."

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"Thwere it is!" called Skye.


"Least I could do," said Ziona. "About all I CAN do right now."


Melody laughed. "You could have bought one from someone!"

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"I see it! Uncle Miles? " Dylan called out

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Miles looked up. "Wait... what are you doing here?" he asked, trying to hide something behind his back.

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"Hi Uncle Miles! We were jus' lookin' for you an' we followed the trackin' signal an' wha' do you have behind your back?" Dylan asked trying to peak around

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Yah I'm fine, I guess. ( he said grabbing her hand to pull himself up.)

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Harmony helped Spark to his feet, pulling far more vigorously than she should, though it seemed to have no effort on her part.

"That's good Spark, but you should be more careful!"


"I forgot about the trackers..." muttered Miles. "But I've nothing behind my back!"


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"Yeah you do!" Dylan said grinning. At that point he turned invisible

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"What the... Dylan, that's not polite. And you'll spoil the surprise!" said Miles

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Dylan made himself visible again and was giggling

"So you ARE hidin' skmethin'?" He asked

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"I didn't say that!" grinned Miles

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That's for sure. (he said putting the table back then taking a seat.) oh well no one got hurt.

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"Except your pride," grinned Harmony.

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