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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I'm glad you like them," said Miles smiling,

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Dylan grinned and began putting them on

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Skye jumped up and down. "Thwis is gwonna be SWO CWOOL!!"

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Dylan got them on then tried to stand up but couldn't

"Can I have some help?" he asked

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"Yeah that sounds a lot better."


Zamy bought everyone their own popcorn and a drink.

"I hope you like it. We've got plenty of time to get in there and get our seats."

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"Maybe you should practice with them a bit before Skye pulls you?" suggested Miles as he helped Dylan to his feet.


"A bit, yeah. But you could probably do better," said Melody.


Hamrony took a mouthful of popcorn and smiled. "Yeah, I do like it, thanks!"

"I does seem quiet," said Anna, heading towards the screen,

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"Nah! I'll be fine!" Dylan said barely balancing with them on

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"Just take a few Miles. What if I had a pair too?" asked Miles.

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"I could but I'm in no hurry to change the name," said Shadow.


"Great. It's always nicer when it's quiet."

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"That would be so cool if you ha some too!" Dylan said excitedly. He fell over again as a result

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"Cwan I hwave a pwair twoo!" asked Skye.

"Okay, okay. Rollerskates for eveyone," said Miles, helping Dylan up again and summoning another two pairs.


"Can't be bothered with the paperwork!" laughed Melody. "Nah, it's okay. Team Dark is pretty cool to!"


Anna and Harmony found their seats and sat down.

"Wow... that's a... a massive screen!" muttered Anna

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Dylan attempted to keep his balance again

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Skye and Miles put on their skates. Skye had no trouble, but Miles wobbled a bit.

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Dylan looked at Skye

"How are you able to balance?" He asked

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"Cwause!" said Skye with a grin.

"Right.. uh.." said Miles wobbly. "Let's trying going forward."

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"Huh. Lucky" Dylan said grinning back. He then tried moving forward but quickly fell over again. Rexy ran over to help him

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Miles fell over face first. He turned an saw Dylan.

"Hmm, maybe I could do with a dinosaur pet to help me up too!" he joked.

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Dylan leaned against Rexy to get himself up again. Then he got Rexy to go over and help Miles

"Nuh uh! Rexy is MY dinosaur pet" he said

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Miles smiled. "I was only joking. And thank you Rexy," said Miles as he got up with Rexy's help.

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"Indeed it is."


"Yep. And we should get great sound as well from the speakers."

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"And why change a winning name, eh?" asked Melody.


"Neat," said Harmony looking around. "I'm... I'm really excited about this!" she confessed.

"Me too!" said Anna.

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"Rargh!" Rexy said before returning to Dylan who was grinning

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"Let's try again," said Miles.

"Dwo it lwike thwis!" said Skye, skating around the pair.

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"But it's haaaarrrrrd!" Dylan whined at Skye

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Skye came to a stop. "You hwaven't even twryed ywet Dwylan!"

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