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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Cwourse we awre!" said Skye smiling. He turned to look at the dinosaur. "Rwight Rwexy?"

Miles gave a sigh of relief that the two were friendly again.


"You should rename Team Dark to 'Team god-ass-kickers' or something!" said Melody.


"And have popcorn!" added Anna.

"Oh, simple as that? Huh," said Harmony.

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"Rargh!" Rexy said. Dylan smiled

"Thanks Skye. We won't let some silly fight stop us being best friends forever" he said

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"Yeah. Nwothing will ewver, ewver stwop thwat!" said Skye.

"Except growing up again," muttered Miles.

"What was thwat Mwiles?" asked Skye.

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"Did you say something, Uncle Miles?" Dylan asked curiously

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"Just.. clearing my throat," said Miles.

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"Oh. Okay" Dylan said before turning back to Skye. "Nah! Nothing will stop it"

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"Right, how about we head inside and get dinner," said Miles.

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Skye cheered to. "Yeah! I'm hwungry!" he said, starting to run back to Haven. "C'mon gwuys!"

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"Hey! Wait for me!" Dylan called rushing after Skye

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Skye slowed down so Dylan could keep up.

"We've fworgotten to awsk Mwiles swoemthing!" he said to Dylan with a grin.

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Dylan grinned then turned back to Miles

"Uncle Miles! Can you summon some rollerskates for me, pretty please!" he asked looking wide-eyed

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"Rollerskates? Why do you want rollerskates?" asked Miles as he caught up.

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"So that Skye can pull me along an' I won' get left behind as he runs!" Dylan said smiling

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"That, uh, sounds dangerious," said Miles.

"Plwwwes" begged Skye, also wide-eyed.

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"I'll be extra super careful! Promises!" Dylan said. "So pretty please!"

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"Hasn't got that much of a ring to it," said Shadow.


"Yes, I can buy us popcorn if you want."

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"Hmm... Is this worth a favor Dylan?" asked Miles.


"Team Deity Destroyers' then?" suggested Melody.


"That would be really nice of you," said Anna.

"Yeah,. thank's Zamy," added Harmony

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"A favour? Are you making this a favour?" Dylan asked surprised

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"It's something that could be really dangerous, so, yes," said Miles. "It's either that or you're never allowed to use them when I'm not there."

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"The second one! The second one!" Dylan said not wanting to lose a favour

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"Okay. And you both promise to never use them if I'm not around?"

"Prwomise!" said Skye solemnly.

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"Okay. Don't break it," said Miles as he started to cast, then stopped. He took a good look at Dylan's shoes, the cast again and a pair of blue and red roller-skates appeared. "There you go."

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"Wow! They're really cool!" Dylan said picking them up

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