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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I.. I... I dwon't thwink so... I cwan't hwave bween," said Skye, clutching at his head.


"Maybe that's the God's plan, give you all a workout!" joked Melody.


Anna's face was almost the same colour as her hair.

"Moive looks good to. Yeah, let's go see it," said Harmony.

"Un... I'm not so sure now..." mumbled Anna.

"C'mon, we're seeing it," said Harmony taking Anna's hand.

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"Heh, if only we were so lucky. We've only experienced angry deities."


Zamy bought the tickets and gave them out.

"Hopefully it won't be busy in there."

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"Cwase I'd 'membwer... wouldn't I?" asked Skye.


"And not the God of Exersize!" laughed Melody


"I don't know. Never been to a place like this before," said Harmony.

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"Well I don' 'member being a porcupine either" Dylan pointed out

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"Thwat's... thwat's true..." said Skye. He poked at the image. "I was rweally rwed?"

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Dylan shrugged

"I dunno. I 'member you as being a lynx" he said before turning to Miles. "Was he red?"

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"Yes he was," said Miles, dismissing the image. "I think I may have underestimated just how powerful the magic in the pool was."

"An' I 'membwer you bweing a chwamy-leeon," said Skye to Dylan.

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"I only 'member being a chameleon too. But I 'member being older" Dylan said. Then he felt curious about something. "How old were you before you fell in?"

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"Me?" Skye looked thoughtful. "I WAS owlder. I thwink... Nwot thwat mwuch mwore..." he went silent again, then suddenly shouted "I was twelve!"

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"You were 12? Really?" Dylan asked sounding surprised

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"Yweah. What's wrong with twelve?" Skye asked.

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"Nothin'!" Dylan said. "I just 'member you being 7 an' a half before the pool too"

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"Well I ownly thwink ywour nwot ewight cwause you kweep swaying so!" said Skye a little huffily.

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"Huh. Well, I may be 8 now, but I'm not really" Dylan replied also huffily

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"This isn't the time..." began Miles.

"I thwink you're jwust pwretendibg you were owlder!" said Skye

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"No, never met one of those."


"I have, but obviously that was back in No Zone."

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"Nuh uh! I am not! An' I think YOU'RE pretending you were 12!" Dylan said angrily

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"AM NWOT! AM NWOT!" shouted Skye.

"BOYS! BEHAVE!" shouted Miles. "If you both think you should be over, then start ACTING like it!"

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Dylan looked at Miles silently for a moment

"Skye started it" he then said pointing at Skye

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"Nuh uh, you dwid!" said Skye.

Miles glowered at the two of them. "And I thought you two were friends. Is this how friends treat each other?"


"Maybe you'll meet one someday, though knowing you're luck it'll be a god of angry exercise or something," said Melody.


"You have? So whats do you do here?" asked Harmony.

"I think it has something to do with popcorn," said Anna.

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Dylan looked at the ground ashamed

"No Uncle Miles" he said

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"Sowwy Mwiles," said Skye. Then he ran over and hugged Dylan. "I'm sowwy for mwaking fwun of you and thwinking you were lwying!"

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"Most likely. But we'd still come out on top. We've had far worse odds."


"You pay for a film, watch it on a big screen, then leave."

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Dylan hugged back tightly

"An' I'm sorry for thinking you were lying too. We're still best friends, right?" he asked

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