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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Not if the rock was in the middle of the river," said Miles. He was feeling bad for making Dylan cry, but wanted him to understand he had to stay safe without saying 'you're just a kid' out loud.

"Dylan, please. I want you and Skye to be careful. There are people here who.. Who... C-care about you, and don't want anything to happen to you."

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"I understand, Uncle Miles. And I'm... sorry" Dylan said between tears

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Miles sat up and hugged both Dylan and Skye.

"I know. I'm sorry I've upset you. I just don't want you two getting into trouble. I... don't want to lose my friends."


Melody was doing the same, hoping her defence force would keep Hope at bay long enough to win herself.

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"You won't lose us, Uncle Miles" Dylan said hugging back

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"I... I... I hope not Dylan," replied Miles sadly.

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"We'll be friends FOREVER" Dylan said feeling happier than before

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Skye nodded. "Yweah! We will! Fo ewva an' ewva!"

Miles felt worse, but nodded and smiled.

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"Are you happier now?" Dylan asked

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"I am, yes," Miles lied. "Are you two?"

"YEAH!" said Skye happily.

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Dylan grinned and nodded

"Yeah!" he said hugging Miles tighter

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Miles gave a more genuine smile. "So what do you two want to do now?"

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"Can you play with us?" Dylan asked looking wide-eyed at Miles

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Miles smiled at Dylan plea. "If that's what you want, then yes."

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"YAY!" Dylan cheered. "We can play more hide an' seek!"

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Melody was now out of defenders. Her last base was defenseless aside from a couple of tesla coils and whatever she managed to churn out of the barracks.

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What's Harmony, Anna and Zamy doing?ME

(Spark got lost in deep concentration, so he didn't here anything that's was being said.)

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(ooc: Still out shopping I guess.)

Skye cocked his head and looked at Spark.

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Hope's base was also running low on defenses, her prism towers barely standing.

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The last of Melody's v3's was destroyed. But she still had a few tanks left.

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Hope only had a few tanks left as well, and her power plants were now destroyed, depowering the defenses.

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"Hehehehe! You won't beat me," giggled Melody. But she only had a couple of buildings left.

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