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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Nah, this was great fun!" said Melody grinning!

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"I've still got one left!" said Melody. "I'm not out yet." Her V3's and their Apocalypse Tank escorts got into position to attack Hope's base again.

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"Construction yard, then her war factory, hehehehehehe," giggled Melody.

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Dylan grinned and turned to Skye

"We're not wet anymore!" He said happily

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Skye ran over and hugged Miles.

"Thwanks Mwiles. I fweel SOOOOOOO mwuch bwetta now!" he said, holding on tightly.

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Dylan grinned and jumped to glomp Miles too

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" He said as he hugged

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Miles fell over with surprise and the forces of the glomps.

"It's okay guys. Really. Nothing to it!" he said.

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"It's REALLY COOL! An' it IS something!" Dylan exclaimed

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Miles laughed. "If you say so Dylan. But how did you end up so wet? You didn't... you didn't jump in the pool again did you?" Miles asked pulling himself into a sitting position.


"Then it's a race," said Melody as she build more defenders for her third and now final base.

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"Nuh uh! We were exploring a cave an' fell into this river that was there an' we went SPLASH!" Dylan tried to explain, waving his hands about as he did so

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Miles ducked his head a little to avoid Dylan's failing hands. "And... why were the two of you outside in a cave. Didn't I say you shouldn't go outside alone?"

Skye's ears drooped.

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"Um..." Dylan began, looking very guilty. "Because we wanted to go exploring?"

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"And why was no one with you? What would have happened if that river had strong currents?" pointed out Miles.

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"That makes it more fun. Everything hanging on a knife edge," grinned Melody

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"Blow up her base first! Blow up her base!" whooped Melody.

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(Spark walked inside of Haven to find Miles, Skye, and Dylan.) hay guys.

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"Hello Spark, what were you up to?" asked Miles as Skye continued to look downcast.

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"Um... We could... Grab onto a rock?" Dylan suggested still looking guilty

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Miles turned back to Dylan, looking harsh. "And what would you do then. Hold on forever and hope that someone came? What you did was very dangerous Dylan. I think I might need to take away one of your favors."

"No! Dwon't blwame hwim! It was my fwault, nwot hwis!" said Skye pleadingly.

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"We could've climbed out..." Dylan began in an attempt to find a way out of it. He was also beginning to cry

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