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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Hello there.... Yes. I've seen a lot of death. Some by my own hand, and some I was powerless to stop. But I don't dwell on such things. Thank you for the offer Locke. I'll take a look in a bit and see if I can get something as a primary. This'll do me as a backup though."

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"I'm... not used to... being around people I... don't know Loc-er-Dad," replied Melody. "But... what's wrong... with the word death... It's what I've been trained for."

Skye walked over to his sister and whispered "Prime Zone, not Moebius" in her ear.

"You mean they don't do that kinda thing here?" Melody asked her brother. "Wait, does that mean I now longer need to spend three nights a week training? I can actually sleep properly?"

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Yeah, sleep as much as you want. No one will be here to attack you and there is no need to do training practice. Just relax here for now

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"Like I said, i do not hold grudge over how you call me. if you want to call me Locke, you can. it's not a problem. But what did you mean, by training? You want me to abandon you in the wilderness alone? I did that with knuckles . Up until recently I had to live in hiding in order to avoid his wrath." Locke laughed.

"Also; whatever you might have done, it's now over. Well, there might have some fight here and there, But all in all, your days of training are over. No more killing unless I say so my dear."

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"You are our Dad know," Skye said to Locke, then address Melody, "so you should try to call him that."

"No its..." began Melody, before turning to Locke. "I want us to be a family. I want to call you Dad. I'm... just trying to get... used to the idea. And I wasn't dumped into the woods for training... nothing like that. Mother, before being Queen was one of the foremost hired killers on Meobuis. She wanted me to follow... in her footsteps. I've never actually killed anyone... myself."

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"Take it from me. You should be glad you're free from her poisonous influence. Not all the drinks in the world can silence the screams of all the people I've killed. It's a grim profession and not one any child should aspire to or train for."

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"Then, it's a good thing" said locke before hugging her "And this is my proof that you .. you are my daughter now. There won't be any killing. There won't be any deadly training. Just you, me, your brother, and all the people that want to be around us, what do you say, Melody?"

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"Thanks Dad," said Melody warmly returning the hug. "Its gonna be nice to just be able to have some fun for a change."

"Hey Dad," called Skye as he leaned casually against the master emerald, "last time we were here you yelled at me for doing this!"

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Well, Knuckles is supposed to be guarding it. It's his fault if something wrong happens. Besides, that's the fake master emerald

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"AND I'M DOING IT AGAIN!!YOU STILL CAN'T TOUCH IT!!unless you ask. Do you want me to throw your Sister at you? I'm pretty she would be more than happy to pounce on you. with her KNIVES.No offense melody."

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Locke, chill. Remember, you have the master emerald in your invisible pockets. To prove a point to Knucklehead.

Speaking of Knuckles, there he is, still asleep

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Wait a sec, what's this book on the ground.

*Picks up book*

"The Swimsuit Special." I guess that explains why Knuckles likes to sit here all day. Did you know about this Locke?

(ooc: Read the off panel where Knuckles suggests it and thought why not?)

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"Hum. Brotherhood secrets. And for the last time Dylan, I said I MOVE THE MASTA AMAROWWLD. DO YOU HEAR ME NOW? THIS IS THE 10th TIME I'M SAYING THIS. man... you deaf or what?"

(ooc: the one where knukles try to get some more pictures of swimsuit heroines ? Oh yeah.)

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I don't want to be around here, if all your going to do is shout at us and act as grumpy as Shadow sometimes is.

*Picks up a stick*

Shadow, do you want to start poking Knuckles or should I give it to Skye and Melody?

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Skye sulked slightly as he walked away from the Master Emerald. Then looked confused.

"Why would Knuckles have a book about girls?"

(ooc: Ah, childhood innocence.)

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"Let the kids poke him. I'm going to reminisce about those few hours of enjoyment I had earlier before I was so rudely interrupted."

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Don't look so sad Skye, Locke is just being grumpy. Do you want to poke your new brother with a stick?

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"Well, skye the answer is simple...He like them a lot. But then again, Julie-su doesn't like when he read those. So rather than correctly doing his job. He slack off on duty, And I have to clean up behind him."

"And no Melody,I'm afraid you can't read it...Yet."

"Beside Dylan, I think it's my right to be grumpy from time to time, mister I keep a lot of secrets in my basement."

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Don't even start arguing Locke. I didn't tell you because

1: I didn't think you needed to know

2: I thought that if my zone was cured, then my curse wouldn't matter

3: Because I come from a zone where everyone is a werehog and you don't know who is spying for the DEL and you can't trust anyone. It is a little hard for me to trust people

If you don't like it, I can leave and never bother you with my secrets I hide in my basement there. I still keep secrets there, but I have no need to tell them

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Skye took the stick from Dylan with a wicked grin. "I could just poke him, or I could do some enchanting things like it did to Shadow earlier? Hey, Melody. If we aren't going to use magic, what about a bucket of water?" Melody gave a grin almost identical to her brother and shot off.

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*Watches Melody run off*

Kids these days. When I was younger, I was a substitute freedom fighter. I knocked Sonic out in battle and I also saved his life when he lost his speed.


Good times

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"Dear god Dylan, don't get mad at me again, but I think, that if you told us a bit of the truth in the first time, we would have been able to help you way faster...But, what is done is done. Let's get used to this."

"And you know you can trust me."

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I trust myself to get myself out of messes. I find it hard to trust outside of that. I probably can trust you, but I can't willingly do it to the level I should. If I told you the truth, I was worried of being made an outcast. I was made an outcast in my zone because of my suggestion at the council

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"Dylan, you will never be an outcast with us. You know why? because we all know what it's like to be driven out, to be hurt.And sometimes.. To Die, and let die... No matter what happen in your zone Dylan, Haven will always be there for you. Why do you think I Gave you the coordinate of this place in the first time?"

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