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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc: "Crowley" was paid to kill someone. I gave him an identity, and he killed him ... without much of a comotion)

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(ooc: I know he was meant to assassinate someone. Still unsure of who it is meant to be, but never mind)

Ah, found it. I hope it works.

*Grabs dark cloak and teleports next to Skye, Melody and Locke*


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(ooc: it was a ganeral of conquering storm.)

"Dylan! You back! And you brought a cloak! Awesome!!"

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It's my cloak which I wore when we had to save Shadow in my zone. It's so I'm not identified when I go wandering about my zone. Not that I do it often

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Yes of course. But now i'd like to know why Skye and Melody look so down despite doing their best to make it seem otherwise.

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Oh, sure. I don't think we met properly Melody, did we?

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Well, it's the occasion, but they seem quite busy right now. So i'll wait a while until they are done.

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"Let's just say that neither Melody or I are in a rush to see our mother again," said Skye, hoping to explain away their long faces.

"Oh yes, introductions. Sorry I got so excited I forgot. Melody, meet Locke, our new Dad. And this is Dylan. We're gonna help save his world from a were-hog curse."

"I... Uh... Um.. Hi... Hello... Nice to... erm.... meet you..." Melody said uncertainly, her hand instinctively playing with the hilt of her knife.

"Don't mind Melody. She's just a little nervous around new faces," explained Skye.

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It's fine. I don't really mind. I can understand why she would be nervous. You mentioned your mother. Would she still be alive on Moebius?

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i'm glad to meet you too melody. I hope you'll be happy in your new home.Beside, this place is way bigger than your old castle my dear.

Their mother? still alive? Nothing that a godd backstab cannot take care of.

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Skye and Melody looked at each other.

"Mother might be alive but, after what we've just learn, we don't care," Skye summerised, then broke into a smile. "We've got a new family now, haven't we."

Meanwhile, Melody shuffled her feet awkwardly. "Yes... This place.... is bigger.... but.... it doesn't... erm... seem as..... uh.... nice.... Too metal."

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Then why don't we go outside to the master emerald shrine and see Knuckles. Much less metal out there and I'm sure he'd love to see his new brother and sister. As long as he's not still out from visiting my zone

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Ah yes, there is that fact too... Well, there used to be some place made of wood, but it ended being burned when the seedrian took the heart of the planet....Brotherhood secret...

And beside, when you'll have your room Melody, you'll be able to decore in any you'll want!!!

Now, Dylan, let's go see knuckles; i want to scare him a bit.And Red, you'll have to come too.

Why so?

I want to see his face, when he'll meet you, hohoho.

What a strange echidna i learned to love....

I know, i know...

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Don't worry Locke, I have the camera remember? That reminds me, I still need to print off that giant picture of you and Knuckles hugging. Anyway, shall we go?

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"See Knuckles. Yeah, that'll be a great idea," enthused Skye. Meanwhile Melody was contemplating, muttering to herself.

"Decorate my own room, alone? I'm not sure..."

"What's the matter Melody. To lazy to work. Need an army of servants to do everything for you?" Skye joked. There was a blur of motion from Melody's arm and the next instant her knife flew across the corridor and embedded itself in the wall next to Skye's head. He calmly turned to look at it, then pulled it out from the wall.

"Your aim's slipping," Skye told Melody with a friendly smile as he handed the knife back. "Didn't even brush past me."

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Ah, sibling's love, isn't that cute Dylan? "smile"

well, i'm activating the teleporter . Oh , and by the way, next time you throw that knife Melody, make sure you don't miss, there are loads of wires here and there behind these wall, And you'd be so kind to not cut them. Failure to no follow this rule will cause our doom, and probable death due to power failure, a broken security system, or worse.

Thank you. And the teleporter is activated!!

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Keep that knife away from me at all times. I don't want one anywhere near me. Two trained killers is enough for me. Locke, letting you know I will be sleeping in my zone. It's a little bit safer than here. Plus I need to do safety checks on my teleporter, which I have not done.

And we are at the master emerald shrine

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"Sorry Locke.... erm... Dad?" Melody tried the word out for size. "I'll... use one of my other knives.... next time... They won't... go through the wall. And... Dylan...I won't... hurt you ... I... like you... at the moment."

"Never mind that now," called Skye, "we're here. Hey, Knuckles. Are you around?"

"Maybe Skye," Melody walked up to her brother, "he got drunk again and took another trip off the island?"

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"You can call me the way you want Cutie, it's not a problem." as locke kindly patted her on the head.

"And don't worry about dylan, He'll get use to it. After all, before you came, we were an even worse ragtag bunch of misfit. ASk your brother. When even almost blew up a zone once. Crazy cheerleader; and his crazy chocolote"

"Anyways. Here we are, this is the sacred shrine , where the master emerald Is usually kept.Quite a work , don't you think?"

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Crowley appeared alongside Shadow before teleporting away again. Shadow walked up to Dylan with a depressed look. "My leave has been formally postponed and I've been ordered to help you sort out your zone Dylan. I hope that's not a problem. You won't have to worry about me rampaging with a light machine gun or anything. They gave me this dart gun for any emergencies." Shadow then looked around at the others. "Am I interrupting something? Sorry. I didn't see you all there. Ahem..."

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Shadow, you almost look sad.... Don't worry big guy, we'll get you something better at the armory. my threat!!! But only non-lethal weapon, we don't want dylan on us.

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As long as your here to help. It's an added benefit if you don't go killing werehogs since they are just like me and suffering from the curse, but as long as your here to help, everything is fine. And yes, your brother tried to destroy at least one zone. My zone was in that group. If Geoffrey hadn't started a g-wave, my zone would be destroyed. But none of us were perfect then anyway

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You mean "far from perfect"? there is a reason I used the term "misfit".

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"Oh. Time for more introductions," blurted Skye, while Melody was blushing at being called 'Cutie'. "Melody, Shadow. Shadow, Melody."

"Uh... Hello," mumbled Melody with a weak smile. "Heh... I think... I know that look in your eye... you've seen... death before, haven't you?" Then she turned to Skye. "You almost blew up a zone? Really?" The look on her face was one of admiration. "I never knew you had it in you."

"Erm, well, trouble is I don't really remember that," explained Skye.

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"Don't worry kid, you won't have to.Now now,why the weak voice Melody? these are quite grim words coming from your mouth my dear. Has your life been that evil for you to get used to such expression?"

Said locke with an upset expression.

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