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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"C'mon Melody. I'll race you there!," called Skye to his sister as he set off tails whirring. His sister followed only seconds behind.

"Um, you might find it a bit sparse since last night though. I'm not sure what happened," Skye called back.

(ooc: aww, a nice point to leave for the night. Catch you guys later.)

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"Oh, don't you worry about that, yet." as the two kids left for the teleporter, he talked to Red.

"It's funny, It's almost like I was becoming a father again..."

"It's funny, it's like I was becoming a mother ... for the first time" Red started sheding tears.

"It's fine, everything is going to be fine from now on. Of course there will be strange situations, but all in all, a way better life than the one where you suffered. I promess."


"Yes my dear."

And the two of them left seconds later.

(ooc: Ok then, looks like i'll get to sleep then!! goodnight!)

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*Dylan left with the rest of the group*

Locke, you wouldn't happen to have a camera, would you? I want to catch Knuckles' reaction to the new family members

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In another room, Shadow finalised the deal. He pulled out a briefcsse. "Ok here's your $200,000. Sign here, here and here. Excellent. You're now under our employ. Go see Jim on level 12 to look at housing. With that money you can buy a pretty nice apartment. Now here's your first assignment." Shadow handed over a dossier. "It doesn't matter how you do it as long as he's dead and there's nothing connecting it to us." *So I can have a nice meal?* said Crowley with a sinister look. "Just don't forget to cook him. Now if you'll excuse me I'm on paid leave for a couple of days." Shadow got up and headed towards the elevator, grabbing Rouge by the waist as he bumped into her. "Where are we going Shadow? I've got work to do." asked Rouge with an annoyed look. "No you don't. We're on leave." Rouge's face lit up as they entered the elevator and hit the button for their apartment's floor. Back in the room, Crowley looked over the dossier with a disappointed face. This target was hardly a challenge for him. *Oh well. Everyone has to start somewhere.*

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"A camera?yes, we do have one..." Locke got through the hardware room.. and pulled out a camera."Here ya go, have fun.But still, I wonder how shadow is doing with his new friend"

"Oh don't worry dear, Reddy bark a lot, but you really have to push him if you want to get bitten."

"Good to know."

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Thanks. I would have used my own camera, but it was incorporated in the teleporter I lost. As for Shadow and Crow...whatever he's called are having a lot of fun

(ooc: Are we back at haven now? We get around fast, don't we)

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"Oh! i almost forgot: Don't forget to tell shadow that Reddy go both.. way. Shadow wouldn't want to wake up one day with another ultimate lifeform in his bed, without him knowing."

"That's scary in a way, but also full of potential for a bad joke, what d'you think dylan? And don't worry, we'll take care of this in due time... How about we recover your teleporter right after we see knuckles?"

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Crowley walked past Locke carrying his briefcase full of money. *Ah there's nothing quite like payday. If you're looking for Shadow don't bother. He's on 'paid leave'. A quaint idea. I thought you get paid for doing your job. And if you see me roaming about, don't fear. I'm just looking for someone.*

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"And who might be that someone?" Locke asked.

"Another one of your "odd jobs" Reddy? You should take a vacation from time to time. There are more than enough people to do this kind of job."

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*Trust me Red. Once I get enough money I'm retiring in luxury.* He then held up a picture of his target. *Have you seen this miserable being anywhere?*

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"Oh my... That's...That's.. One of the main general of conquering storm!!! Well, I heard he was in town for...."political reason". maybe you should start by the brothel, bastard loves women.He is indeed not much of a danger, but he loves drinking."

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*A most unsavoury character. Thank you for your assistance.* Crowley then teleported away, debating whether to infiltrate this man's company and quietly deal with him, or just go straight in and end his wretched existance.

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"Hum, let's hope he'll do it quietly; after all, i somehow gave him the best way to get aways with killing someone without being caught..."

"Dear, Reddy never was a man of quietness."

"What a shame. But that ought to be funny to watch."

"Why do you think I standed by his side for so long?"

"He was impotent?"

"Ve-ry funny."

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Sorry, did something just happen while I blanked out

(ooc: Still don't get who he's hunting)

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(ooc: In order to tie up one final loose end for the Kid’s past, I’m going have to inflict another tragedy on them This should be the last one, I hope.)

Skye was showing Melody round Haven, when suddenly she grabbed him by the arm.

“Hold on a second. How did you suddenly get taller?” she asked her brother.

“Um, well. You see. It’s been over a year since you… you…” Skye couldn’t bring himself to finish, and Melody quickly nodded that she understood. Then an idea popped into Skye’s head.

“I just thought. Now that you’re alive again, maybe we can go and see Mother. She can’t still be angry at me for your death if you’re alive.” Skye explained.

“No Skye,” Melody shook her head. Skye started slightly when he saw Melody doing something she’d never done before, start crying. “I didn’t put the pieces together until I heard your story, but…”

“What’s do you mean Melody?” Skye asked.

“I think, actually, I’m certain now, that despite what those assassins believed it wasn’t Alicia Acorn who hired them. It was Mother.”

“Wh-what?” Skye stammered.

“I don’t know what happened between her and Father, but afterword’s she wanted nothing that reminded her of him. Even us.” Melody looked heartbroken at the thought, and Skye had to fight hard to keep his own tears inside. He took Melody by the hand.

“That’s in the past. We’ve still got each other. And we have a new family now.” Skye reassured his sister. She managed to smile.

“I know. And I’m looking forward to it, but,” Melody sighed slightly, “I’m gonna miss being a princess.”

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You know what, forget it. I'm going to look around haven and hope I don't get lost ag... yeah, so I'll be off

*Leaves room*

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"Wait dylan! Why don't you use the teleporter to take care of your thing? So you are done with this."

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*Re-enters the room*

Where is it? And how do you work it?

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"Dylan, we got through that teleporter an icnredible amount of time already.Follow me ." And they both went to the teleporter room.

"There, it's simple, enter the coordonate there, and push that button. Here.. you go.Do it now."

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Um... okay

*Teleports to house in own zone*

Great! There's my dark cloak. Now where did I put that spare teleporter...

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"hum, i'm pretty sure he can come back on his own... now, let's see Skye. Oh boy, I don't remember when was the last time I had such a Complete agenda..."

Locke walked around when he finally found Skye and melody.

"There you are children. But why the sad face? something wrong happenned?"

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Crowley found the place. A dimly lit establishment. As he walked in he was greeted by a thick haze of smoke. Among the many lowlife patrons he saw the bloated general walking towards a room, slowly followed by one of the girls. As she got up, Crowley slipped a knife into her dress and offered her a large wad of cash. "The fat man. Kill him and the money's yours. With it you can escape this life. When questioned, just say he tried to attack you with it.* The girl stood there hesitantly, before nodding and walking to the room. Crowley then ordered a drink at the bar, politely rejecting various propositions until after a few minutes he heard a scream. The girl rushed out, telling the story perfectly. With the door open Crowley could see the dead general, he passed her the money under the guise of comforting her, then slipped away in the commotion.

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(ooc: that's... even better that what i expected shadow...)

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(ooc: Wait, what? Now I am totally lost)

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(OOC After Crowley got out of Shadow's head, Shadow has employed him as an assassin for GUN. That was his first hit).

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