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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Skye, do you want to know her past?

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"I... maybe not her past, But why was she... stored... in me? That doesn't make any sense. I... suppose I've got no choice but to trust you though if I want to save my sister." Skye stretched out his hand to meet Locke's.

(ooc: I've just realised how many variations of Skye I've had on this forum. Normal Skye, Dygo, Skygo (Skye+Dygo), Anti-Skye, Insanity Skye, Anti-Skye pre-g-wave, Amnesia-Anti-Skye, Miles Skye and now post-amnesia-anti-Skye. And I suspect they'll be more on the way. Hey, Shadow, can I take 'I Am... All of Me' for Skye's theme song? :P )

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(ooc: He still got the "ALL HAIL SHADOW", so he is cool)

"I know it's hard, but don't worry,when she'll see fit, she'll tell you the whole story by herself" as locke got skye back on his feet.

(ooc: I don't feel like a writing a freaking explanation right now, so i suggest we do it offscreen, ok?)

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Just like I'll give my story when I see fit. Not that my story is going to be as brilliant as Red's

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"I'm sure they'll be plenty of time to tell it once we've cured your world Dylan. Ok, let's go. We've got three head-trapped people to rescue." Again, Skye tried to sound braver and more confident than he felt.

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I see no reason for me to be there as I have no one in my head. So I will do a little exploring around haven. Perhaps go visit Knuckles as well. I bet he's been pretty lonely

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"Yes, if hadn't this cute little bat in my head right now, I would have gone with you: I missed knuckles, a little bit. And don't try to lie skye. It's ok to be affraid from time to time. And this situation is one where many would be scared.."

And on these words, they headed to the teleporter, where shadow awaited them...

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Are you guardians allowed to get married twice? Because if you are, I'm sure Red would want to hook up with you


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"Too late for that hook, she caught me with her bare-hand... and that WAS AWESOME." "wink"

"Now, Is everyone here?If so, i'm turning on the teleporter.Direction: the GUN labs!!!"

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*Hmph. Took your sweet time." Shadow then stepped through the teleporter into a room with 2 large pods in it. The scientists in the control room above motioned for him to strap himself into the first pod. Once he had done this, the door shut snd they started the machine. Loud wirring was heard as the scientists went to work. "Ok isolate the frequency. Woah that's a creepy looking guy. Ok are we locked? Good. Start up the transfer." The wirring got louder and louder til there was a white flash and the machine began to cooldown. Shadow stumbled out of his pod when the door opened. "Did it work?" It was then that the door on the 2nd pod opened, and Crowley stepped out, checking his body. *Astounding. Absolutely astounding. Shall we discuss my payment and employment now Shadow?* "Just give me a sec to recover then I'll be right with you. Who's next?"

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You took me with you! I didn't want to go! Can you send me back?

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"That... seemed easier than I expected," pondered Skye after seeing the precess in action.

"Erm, Locke I think you should go next. Getting your friend out of your head will probably be easier than rescuing my sister. Your friend is... closer, after all."

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"What are you doing there dylan? Why on the earth are you here ? ...Man..."

Locke was the second.. It didn't took too long in fact. And in matter of minutes, Red was out.

"Well, now, it's almost as if I just rebirthed.Oh, and locke?"

"Yes , Red?"

Red gave him one heck of a kiss...

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Whoa. Seriously wish I was back at haven right now. I had no reason to be here

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"Stop crying around. At least, you'll even get to see a bit of GUN labs, nice don't think?"

Red was litteraly stuck to locke, much to his pleasure. "My my, not now will you?"

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"M-my turn I g-guess," Skye stammered nervously as he stepped into the pod.

Once again the whirring sound began to build.

"We're having trouble locking onto this one. Are you sure there's a target there?" one scientist called out.

"Hold on, I've got something," interjected another. "There's strong fluctuations so we'll need to be careful. Locking on and transferring in 3... 2... 1..."

There was another bright flash, but the instant it died so too did all the power to the lab with a horrible grinding sound.

(ooc: Oh boy, I'm not sure what to do, so many possibilities here. Do I finally give Skye a happy ending, or........... decisions, decisions.)

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I could get a lot more done there. I could have used the teleporter to grab my backup teleporter and my dark hood and cloak. Instead, I'm here, with no purpose and no need to be here. I have no one in my head who needs to come out. I don't really care about seeing GUN labs, no offense Shadow. Anyway, good luck Skye

*Crosses fingers*

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"Get a room you two. This isn't a place for amorous couples to make out. Come on Crowley let's get you your payment." (OOC I'm off guys. I'll be on in the morning).

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(ooc:Come on, be nice to him, so we can run around the world recovering our stuff :) )

The power outage came out of nowhere.

"Hang on people, i think I saw someone down there".

(ooc: by then)

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"What the?" Shadow ran over to a box on the wall and grabbed a torch. "I'm not taking any chances. Stay sharp. We don't know what came through."

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(ooc: come on skye, don't keep us waiting! we want our good ending!!)

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Skye stumbled out of his pod, and in the darkness fumbled over to the second pod.

"Melody," he asked hopefully, but there was no reply. He heaved the door to the pop open, and almost instantly a fist lanced out and struck him square on the face.

"You stupid idiot. You almost died doing that," came a voice from the darkness. Skye laughed ecstatically while lying on the floor.

"Yes, you're back Melody." From the light of Shadow's torch the siblings saw each other, and hugged happily.

(ooc: After everything he's been through, Skye deserves something to go right for once. And goodnight shadow)

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"Well, at the very least , all's well that end well. Also, knuckles not only got a new stepmother, but a brother and a sister too!!What you say, skye?"

(ooc: well, that's for the best!!now, i guess we can take care of dylan's problem now.)

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Skye gave Locke a nod then turned to his sister. "Melody? Are you ready to meet your new family."

"I...," Melody looked somewhat apprehensive, "I still find it difficult to believe what you told me about Mother and Father. But I trust you. You never could lie that well, your ears always twitch." Melody gave her brother's ears a playful flick, "Okay, I think I'm ready."

"Yay!," Skye cheered. "Thank you Locke, we're both ready for our new family. I hope Knuckles won't mind. Actually, I think the last time I saw Knuckles was when he was drunk and leapt off angel island into the water." Behind Skye, Melody started giggling.

(ooc: because dreams act on a faster timescale, what was minutes outside was hours for Melody and Skye, so they've had plenty of time to chat."

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"Twitching ears huh? I'll keep that in mind, hehehe..." locke started to laugh. It's been a while since He laughed like that. It was a genuine laugh, one of happinness.

"don't worry about him, he's fine. probably watching over the master emerald, or sleeping with Juli-su, your choice.But now, how about we go back home? Dylan is getting more and more impatient, and if I see another werehog before tomorow, it'll be too soon."

(ooc:of course, i know that :) )

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