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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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as they moved left the crypt, and moved on the stairs, locke stayed on the look out for any danger " you said you didn't know the way, but your sister did? Maybe , maybe sshe is more than a memory then..."

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“Really?” Skye’s eyes lit up and his face broke into the first completely genuine smile since arriving in the dream. “You mean there might be some way I can get her back?”

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I have no knowledge about such magic.. but it get to me that if someone know more than he is supposed to... then maybe.. on another note, maybe it would mean that she didn't die in your past, and that you are somehow connected to her....

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Somehow Skye's smile became even larger. Ahead, Melody was beginning to put distance between herself and the rest.

"Melody, slow down. We can't run as fast as you!" Skye called out.

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It looks like she got the speed of a moongoose i once heard about...

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Suddenly, Dylan burst through the walls cutting off the group's passage to the throne room. He snarled at them and was ready for any attack

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well, that's a problem... any other way to avoid him?

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"Oh for crying out loud. Get with the program Dylan. If you're looking for a nice meal then come with us, we got someone you can eat. He's real juicy and tender, whereas us, well think about it, Locke's all old and tough, it'd be like eating a boiled shoe. Skye and Melody are far too bony and I have loads of quills. Be patient and you'll get a far better meal."

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one that we"ll be able to roast... better than raw meat don't you think?

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Dylan growls at Shadow and Locke and starts walking towards them. It doesn't seem as though he cares

(ooc: Taking a break. Back soon)

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Skye backed off, pulling his twin tails on front of him like a fuzzy shield. At that moment something yellow moving at immense speed slammed into Dylan’s back.

“Stop standing there and c’mon!” Melody yelled.

(ooc: talk about bad timing)

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(ooc: ok)

Come on big boy, if you help us, we'll find a way to give you a lifetime supply of food! what you say, huh?

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"Well I guess that works too" Shadow said as he followed Melody, carefully stepping over the dazed Dylan.

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(ooc: actually I was expecting Melody to just bounce off Dylan. Oh well...)

"Hurry up, we're not far from the throne room," called Melody as she sprinted off again while Skye gingerly tip-toed past Dylan.

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Dylan had taken a hit, but once everyone had gone past him, he got up. He was extremely annoyed at this point and very hungry. He started to follow the rest of the group

(ooc: Don't worry about it. Let's just say I wasn't expecting it)

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“Here we are, called Melody, “the Throne Room.” Skye walked into the room with interest behind the others, taking it all in seeing it for the first time. The room was bathed in darkness except for around the door, but the layout of the room could still be determined. Ahead stood the throne, a figure just visible sitting on it.

The light around the throne began to brighten, showing the Insanity sitting on the throne, as if waiting for them. The manifestation stood up from where it had been sitting, clapping slowly in a mocking fashion.

“You did better than I expected,” the Insanity begun, sounding worryingly sane, “I suppose I should drop this charade now. And Locke, you can stop acting as if you are the boy’s parent…”

The form of the Insanity started to shift. Growing taller and older, the cow’s lick flattening and darken in colour, the fur changing from a light orange to a dull yellow, a military style uniform appearing.

“when his real father is right here.” The form of the adult Miles stood imperially on front of the Throne, looking more bored than anything else.

“When my brat planned to use his Syphon I had already taken steps to hide my mind and power inside him, and take over should my original body fall. I should thank you Locke. It wasn’t until you broke through my son’s true insanity that I was able to start taking a hold of the boy’s mind. And that accident with the chair only made my job easier. And now I have you here in a dream scape under my control…”

In the darkness around the room several creatures began to emerge, including the red glowing eyes of Shadow’s dream form, and the winged monster-assassin.

“There is no escape for any of you, unless you surrender my son to me.”

(ooc: Meet the big bad! You can pick your friends…)

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seeing the sad looking werehog, locke decided to pat him on the back. he also gave him a little candy "here you go big boy, it's not much, but there'll be more if you behave. see you later , i got to catch up with these three!!" and he left.

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Locke's comment just made Dylan more angry. One little bit of candy was no where near enough for him. Nor did he eat candy. So he ran after Locke, following him into the throne room with the rest of the group. He stopped once he was inside

(ooc: What was that about Locke?)

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"I have an alternative proposal. You get the hell out of Skye's head, Tails, and I promise we won't feed you to Dylan."

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(ooc: the candy, or miles?)

locke came just in time to see twho was behind all this... Miles prower himself...

"well,well, what a surprise. I expected something, but not that..." locke was visibly impressed by the fox explication , at least until his demand...

"I'm sorry miles, but you see, you lost your parental right the second you did all of these thing to your son...Beside, i'm more of a father for him than you'll ever be...so let it go."

locke would die before sending skye to what was basically a walking slaughterhouse.

"and beside, what happenned to your daughter, melody? She is obviously not dead"

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Dylan felt uneasy. The darkness around him felt a bit much and he knew that they would fight harder and wouldn't be nice to eat. So he decided to keep with his original focus.

(ooc: The whole being sad so giving candy)

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“My name is NOT Tails Shadow,” Miles growled. “And I’d advise you to be more worried about Dylan yourself. You’re between him and me.”

Then Miles laughed as Locke spoke.

“You a better father than me? After all the experiments you subjected your son to? As for Melody,” for a second Miles actually looked pained, but the moment quickly passed, “My daughter died over a year ago Locke. The figure you see here is… more a link to my son’s subconscious given form. Which means, Boy, if you leave this dream, you loose Melody again.”

Skye turned to face Melody, who couldn’t bring herself to meet her brother’s eyes. His lip began quivering.

“Melody, tell me it’s not true. You can come back with us. Please!” Melody just shook her head in reply.

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"I will never make up for what I have done... And I paid the price... Can you say the same, miles? I made amend of what I have done."

locke continued "I lost my son once. He died, saving someone who probably shouldn't have deserved it.And the sole reason he came back was due to a miracle...In a way we are alike. In a way only. So stop torturing your son! HE IS THE LAST THING YOU HAVE ON MOBIUS! do you understand? You have lost everything! your throne, your wife, and your daughter...does the cycle of death have to keep on going like that?"

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Struck a nerve did I? Haha... no, you aren't Tails. He has a sense of honour, of right and wrong. You, well you're just a jumped up little punk. As for Dylan, well you may have released the beast but his mind is still intact. I'd wager his will trumps that of a mindless animal. I have faith in him." Shadow then addressed the assassins. "You know there's one thing I don't get. You were hired to kill the Prowers, but you appear to be forgetting Miles there. Why is that? Surely your employer wanted him out of the way as well. Why not finish the job now? Skye why don't you try to remember. That might remind them of the full extent of their contract. Don't waste your time Locke. Miles wouldn't bring us this far to listen to reason. He is beyond redemption."

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