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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I think Miles is doing that for you," said Harmony, rolling her eyes.


Melody gave a little squeak of fright, then tried charging at Shadow's cyborg.

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"It's a surprise!" Dylan said. "You're not allowed to know"

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"Oh, really?" said Miles, trying to peek at the paper, but not actually trying to look, just to tease Dylan.

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"I'm aware of that. I still need to do something job related."


The charge knocked the cyborg back, but he quickly got up again.

"Just a little more and I can use the super move," said Shadow gleefully.

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"You watch Miles while Miles watches the kids?" suggested Harmony.


"Super... move?" asked Melody as she mashed buttons, the figure on the screen flailing wildly.

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"Stop looking!" Dylan shouted. "Besides, I haven't started yet"

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"Really?" asked Miles. "I think that's just a lie to stop me looking," he teased, peaking over Dylan's head.

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"You'll see!" Dylan said, this time not making a move to stop him

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"Heh, I guess that could work."


The cyborg was struck by the flailing and it's health was getting low, but Shadow managed to get a few hits of his own before inputting a complicated combo activaitng the aforementioned super move.

"Yes, that would be this." The screen zoomed in on the cyborg, which fired a torrent of shells straight at Melody's character.

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"Hmm, and it might be worth putting some of those tracker chips into Ziona and Dylan too," suggested Harmony.


Miles made a comical show of looking through the papers. "Aww. Well you better get started then," he said.


Melody winced as her characters health bar disappeared.


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"And a lynx , of course ...." Repeated locke. Why him ? Couldn't he live a normal life ?


"Well then , let's go somewhere else now."Finished tikal.


"Nah, not yet ."Said glen."The hotel is better . They got ice cream."

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Dylan grinned

"Yeah! But I should wait for Skye. He's talking to his dad right now" he said

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"Good idea. I think Ziona had the device for implanting the trackers though."


"Care for another round?" asked Shadow.

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"What's wrong Dad?" asked Skye noting his look. "It's onwly fwor a week. Thwen we'll all be bwack to nwormal. And Mwiles mwight fwind a way bweofre then!"


Harmony facepalmed. "Not on her I hope? Otherwise it's probably part of her necklace now or something. Better ask your reinforcements to bring a spare."


"Ah, I see. Hopefully he won't take long," said Miles.


"Sure, where do you want to go?" asked Anna.


"If I can get a better character, yeah," laughed Melody.


"Yeah! Ice cream! Ice cream!" sang Ziona happily jumping around Glen.

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"I hope not. I wanna start!" Dylan said impatiently

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"Yeah, that's a good idea."


Hope took them back to the main menu. "Do you want to practice just the two of us first Melody?" asked Hope.

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"Will you be able to hold out until tomorrow?" Harmony asked.


"Tell you what Dylan. While waiting for Skye, while don't you find Auntie Harmony. After all, I can't watch what you're doing, so she can," suggested Miles.


"Sure. If Shadow doesn't mind," said Melody

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Dylan grinned


He then ran out the room to go look for Harmony

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Miles smiled as he watched him go, then slumped down on one of the chairs.

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Dylan ran out of Haven then stopped

"Auntie Harmony?!" he called out

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"I don't think anyone would have blamed you if... Huh, yes Dylan?" asked Harmony.


"Thanks Shadow. So Hope, who do you think would be a good choice for me?" asked Melody

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"Uncle Miles isn't allowed to watch me draw because it's a surprise so he said you could watch" Dylan explained coming over

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"No, but I would'v'e blamed me."


"Well I'm guessing you want a fast, agile character? There's the ninja I was using, that femme fatale type at the bottom of the screen, the martial artist cop, and a few others."

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"I see Zamy. Just... remember the rest of us are hear to help too," said Harmony as she looked at Dylan. "Okay, I'll come, if you're alright with that Zamy?"


"Well, you chose the ninja so I should do someone else. Who would best complement the ninja?" Melody asked

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