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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"What would you prefer I do, haul him into Zone Jail? Do bear in mind you nearly killed my colleagues earlier, so I'd stop and think before you start telling me Miles is the biggest threat around."


"Do you want to play any games? I've got a console in my room I could bring out."

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Harmony's mouth flapped open and shut a few times when Zamy reminded her about her earlier actions. "Sorry," she muttered quietly.


"Sure, I'll give them a go. Aside from the arcade I haven't really played any," said Melody

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Zamy put a hand on Harmony's shoulder. "I'm sorry for snapping at you, but I don't like it when your family try to get on their high horses to Miles when they've done worse. If you all want a clean start you need to give him a chance."


"Cool, I'll go grab it." Hope then hurried to her room.

Shadow span around in his chair to face Melody. "Finally, someone else I can beat at those games."

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"I guess we all have some baggage when it comes to him," said Harmony. "And.. okay, yeah, I am a bit jealous of how's he's treating Dylan," she admitted.


"Aww, that's not very fair Shadow given I've hardly played before. That's like saying you can beat me in a race right now!" teased Melody. "But who's the other person you can beat?"

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"Jealous? You want to be treated like a 10 year old?"


"I never said it'd be fair. And the other person would be Hope. Occassionally when I have nothing else to do I'll play her at one of these games."

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"No but... He's showing more care and consideration to a random cursed guy in a few hours than he gave to me AND Skye for our entire lives," said Harmony.


"Maybe we should team up against you then!" grinned Melody

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"Yes, but you're thinking of the totally cold older scumbag who presently rots in Zone Jail. Miles' history has been altered dramatically, he isn't that same person."


"Go ahead. It'll only make my victory even sweeter."

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"I know that. But it's hard to... rationalise it, y'know. And Father did boost about what he did even at this age. Seeing such a turn around so quickly...."


"Ooooh! Someone's confident Shadow," said Melody amused.

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"I understand what you mean.."


"And he's got reason to be. I still haven't beaten him," said Hope as she walked back in and set up the console to play through a projector.

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"It's alright to be curious , but sometime, it's a little too soon."


"I think I'm going to need a long time alone with you Ziona...Far from all this comotion..."

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"I'll get them!" Dylan said excitedly rushing over and opening the store room up

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"I'll clwear the twable," said Skye running into the kitchen.


"And I still don't get WHY he's being so nice to Dylan," said Harmony.


"I understand," said Anna to Tikal.


"Well, we can at least try and change that today," smiled Melody.

'Honestly though,' she thought, 'I doubt I'll be any help. But I could at least provide a distraction.'


"Once I'm all grown up and back to normal, that'll be great," said Ziona. "I think I might have some leave coming up."

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"Neither do I. I also don't get why Dylan is now completely acting like a child. I'm so glad I called off that house warming party."


"Try yes. Succeed, maybe," said Hope as she handed out the controllers. "I've got a bunch, so do you want driving, a shooter or a fighting game?"

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Dylan grabbed paper as well as a couple of pens and several crayons before heading into the kitchen

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Harmony thought for a minute.

"Well, unlike Skye and Ziona, his physical change wasn't immediate. So any mental alterations might be slower too. That and, well, now there's two other kids around it might be harder to act like an adult. But yeah, unless you called in a babysitter, that party could have quickly turned chaotic."


"Fighting game!" said Melody with a grin.


Skye quickly cleared the table, also grabbing a couple of cans of pop form the fridge for him and Dylan.

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Dylan placed everything on the table

"Let's start! Let's start!" he said eagerly

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"Yeah!" Do you wanna write the stowry or dwraw?" asked Skye

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"Tell me about it. Part of me thinks they did it just to spite me," said Zamy with a tired laugh.


"Ok." Hope turned the console on and turned to her pile of games, selecting one of the fighters and putting the disc in, then navigatedto the character select menu.

"Choose your fighter," she said as she opted for a ninja and Shadow went for a cyborg with a cannon for a left arm.

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"I wanna draw!" Dylan said excitedly

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Harmony waited for Zamy to respond, but not getting one, spoke up again. "But I don't think any of those mental changes will last once they're back to normal. Though... it may take a day or two depending on how far gone they are."


"Uh..." Melody looked bamboozled by the choice of characters so chose the 'random' option.


"Okway! You dwraw Mwiles bweating up Scwourge. I'll wrwite!" said Skye.

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"Okay!" Dylan said grabbing some paper and was about to draw then stopped. "What does Scourge look like?"

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"Uh... Green hedgehog, black jacket and silly sunglasses," said Skye.

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Locke was wondering where everyone was. Haven was too calm. Way too calm.


"It will come in time . For now. Enjoy your youth." Replied tikal.


"Leaves ? Wonderful . After all that happenned , you might need it."

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Skye's ears started twitching as he heard movement outside the kitchen. He slid of the table and glanced outside, then gave an excited cry of 'DAD!' and ran to hug Locke.


"Oh I will, now that I can enjoy it," said Anna.


"Yeah. Though I think Zamy might need it more," said Ziona.

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"That's gonna be a frustrating couple of days then."


The game started and the characters were in a smelting plant. Immediately Shadow input a combo and the cyborg's cannon fired a round that struck Hope's ninja.

"Are you ever going to pick another character?" she asked him.

"Maybe, but I've got this one figured out."

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