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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Dylan grinned at the compliment

"Anything I can do to help?" He then asked

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"Give Ziona a shout," said Miles smiling, "best I get back to solid ground as soon as possible."


"Cool. That one should be easy to test," said Melody.

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"Okey-dokey then!" He said before turning around

"ZIONA!!!" He shouted at loud as he could

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Miles gave a little cry and covered his ears. Below, Ziona's ears twitch.

"Hold on a moment Gleny!" she said, spreading her wings and flying back up. "What's up Dylan?"

(ooc: We're almost at the end of page 999!)

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"Uncle Miles is struck and needs to be taken back down again" Dylan said. "I told him he shouldn't have climbed up but he didnt listen!"

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"Boys can be so stubborn," said Ziona, magabing to tut and laugh at the same time. "Here, I'll get you down," she said, holding out a hand to Miles.

"Are you sure you can manage?" asked Miles.

"Yeah. No problem," grinned Ziona.

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"Go on Uncle Miles!" Dylan smiled reassuringly. "I'll get Skye and we'll go down too!"

(ooc: Here we are. 1000 pages! This causes for a celebration)

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Hope put her hand over a beaker on her dask and cast the enchantment spell, putting a small forcefield around it.

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Miles took Ziona hand, and Ziona swooped down, taking Miles back to the ground.

"See Gleny. I can carry people easily," she said as they landed.


"That's great Hope. Now we need to see how strong it is. Your tazer handy?" she asked.

(ooc: 1000 pages! Wheee! Go us!

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Dylan began climbing higher up the tree

"Skye?" He called up

(ooc: *Takes out celebration cake* who wants some?)

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dont they know where stading right here?(Skyloft said reappering)

I dont know.(he said shrugging.)

(Lucy walked up beside them) are you okay?

yah of course why? (spark asked)

good. (she said smacking the both of them.) thatshould teach not to scare everyone and scare me.

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"Uwp Hwere Dwylan," called Skye, holding on to nearly the very top of the tree. "I cwan see for mwiles!"


"If the spell worked, the field will absorb the energy from the tazer. For how long depends on how much power you put into the spell. Assuming it worked. If not, that's where the fun begins," grinned Melody. Then her face became serious. "The worst that might happen, at least to you, is that you could suffer a some feedback from damage done to the field. But, at the spell level you're casting at, it shouldn't be anything more than a weak headache that a few painkillers can take of. If that happens".


"Yes, we do know you're standing there," called Harmony. "I was hoping you'd hear us!" She then gave a laugh as Lucy whack the pair.

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"Ok, here goes nothing." Hope fired her tazer at the force field. It absorbed the energy for about 15 seconds then dissipated.


"Watch your tongue or I'll haul you off to Zone Jail," retorted Zamy before smirking when Lucy hit the pair.

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"That's pretty good. Of course, against an explosion or such it won't last a long, and the bigger the field the weaker it is, but that still good. No... no ill effects?" asked Melody.

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"If you feel strong enough, zionna, we could try that...."


"Careful anna. The terrible ghost might have to transform you as well to keep her secret safe." Tikal chuckled.

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Ziona flapped her wings. "Yep, I feel strong enough! Let's go!" She began hovering just above Glen and held out her arm.


"It's really good for a first try. In fact, I'm amazed we haven't had a miscast yet. That time in the hotel doesn't count, given the influence of milkshakes!" said Melody.


"Oh nonono!" said Anna laughing, holding up her hands in surrender. "My sisters are into that freaky stuff, not me!"

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Dylan continued climbing after Skye

"We're going to go down now! You comin?' He called up

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"Aww, alwready?" asked Skye. "I lwove cwlimbing"


"I really hope that this WON'T be the one you miscast!" said Melody.

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"Same here," replied Hope nervously as she cast the spell, making a small ball of flame float next to her, about the size of a candle. "I'm lucky it wasn't bigger."

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"It's meant to be a little bigger," said Melody, looking curiously at it. "But see if you can get it to move around."

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Hope gingerly moved her hand and the ball of flame followed it. "This is where it explodes," she said, half worried.

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"It won't explode. Well, it shouldn't. Unless you surge magic into it. It might fizzle," said Melody. "But you're getting the hang of moving it."

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