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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I'm glad you liked it," said Zamy before teleporting him to Haven. "Good luck."

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"It's done," said Skye, looking at the sigils. "But it would be best not to open the casket until after Melody's soul has been moved. Now we just need to wake her."


"Thank's Zamy. Hmm, I think Skye would be in the basement," said Miles, setting off.

(ooc: Blast. I was hoping to have Ziona in the kitchen before Zamy arrived!)


"That one looks interesting," said Melody pointing at a book.

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I'll wake her up. (he said slowly reaching out to shake her lightly.)

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"Thank's Berry," said Melody, opening the book. "I think it's some kinda mystery novel."


The moment Spark touched Melody, the cyber implant on her neck beeped, and Melody shot upright, drew her knife and jumped over and behind Spark, knife pointed at his back.

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(Spark slid around out of reaction but stopped in his tracks.) Melody its me Spark no need to uh well stab me with that sharp object there.

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(OOC Oops, sorry! Though Zamy isn't in the kitchen either. Just a random floor, so there's still time).

Zamy stretched her arms and checked her watch, before trying to work out where the kids were on her screen.

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(ooc: True, but she is depended on Glen, and hence Locke.)

"Spark?" repeated Melody, not seemingly fully awake. "I... uh... oh yeah. Sorry... force of habit." She sheathed the knife and sat down next to the casket, seemingly about to fall asleep again.

"No Melody," said Skye. "The body's ready."

"It IS?" asked Melody keenly, leaping up.

"Hey Skye! Good morning!" called Miles as he arrived in the basement.

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Glen dressed himself as well . he couldn't walk around in pants, could he ? That wouldn't be respectful.


Locke was done at the kitchen.


Red was sleeping upside down.

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"One thing before I need to start being a professional," said Ziona. She spun around and embraced Glen tightly, giving him a passionate kiss. "There we go." Ziona sighed, then headed out of the bedroom.

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That's alright, so what do we do now do we open it or do the mind transfer then open it or...

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We take it to the Master Emerald, transfer the mind over, which will break the seal so it can open easily," explained Skye.

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"Thank you . I feel ready for the day now." said Glen before happily joining her.

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Oh okay, what isn't there a easier way then that. We couldn't we just transfer her mind into mine then retransfer her into that body?

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"How are we gonna carry it all the way over to the master emerald?"

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"I was thinking we could either have Dad teleport it, or we could use those flying boards Spark gave us. And thank's for the offer Spark, but that wouldn't quite work. Yes, she'd be transferred over, but the body wouldn't actually be made 'hers' if that makes sense. She be inhabiting a different body, and it would be possible to force her out of it. Using the power of the Master Emerald will fuse her body and soul so it's as if they always been together," said Skye. He turned to Miles.

"Hey, good morning" he said with a grin, giving Miles a high five. "Guess what, the body's ready."

"What? Already?" asked Miles. "How did that happen?"

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"You liking the novel?" Berry asked, as Kayl sat reading a book, with her legs in the swimming pool, "Awesome is the architect of this place." she said.

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Dylan smiled at the sight of Skye and Miles high-fiving

"Looks like yesterday went well for them" Dylan thought

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"Hmm, I do have an idea about that," said Miles, looking between the casket and Melody.

"Wait, you mean?" asked Skye.


"I guess that makes sense," replied Skye.

Melody looked suspiciously at the two boys.


"Yes thank's," said Melody. "But I think crazy might be a better description," she said to Kayl.

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"Great." Berry smiled, then looking for another book, and laughed at Melody's comment, "I'd say, unique too."

"How about insane?" Kayl laughed.

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Glen followed Ziona around, as he didn't had much to do today.


Locke was done and started working around Haven, available for anyone who could find him.

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Zamy saw everyone was still in the building, so sat down for a moment."


Hope entered her lab to find Shadow sitting there, going through the hard drive's data.

"You know there's this thing called sleep you should try?" she joked.

"I've slept enough for a lifetime. I still haven't found anything useful on this yet."

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