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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Berry wasn't very amazed when she heard the first part, but the second part certainly amazed her, her eyes widened, and she covered her mouth with her hand.



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Skye was grinning again. "Let's get back to building this box before Melody yells at us for slacking off."


(ooc: This is the insanity that is RPM. If you want I can stop. You sound a little put-off)

"He used to beat him often, and, well, use him as practice for his spell-casting as well," said Melody.

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"Oh...my..." Berry suppressed a sob.


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"I think she's been distracted too, but yeah. Finishing sounds like a good idea"

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"Like I said, I can help, young woman."


"He wouldn't believe you."

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"I appreciate your concern but right now I have a job to do. Perhaps another time."

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"Right. How much welding have you done?" asked Skye.


(ooc: :D Glad your enjoying it then!)

Melody nodded. "When I was almost twelve, and Skye about 9 (and yes, I know we're both twelve now, that will also be explained), something... happened. I don't know exactly why, but Father fled the castle with Skye. I thought Skye had run away from me, and, uh..." Melody looked uncomfortable, "I was rather jealous that he was first in line for the throne rather than me. So I chased them. I caught up with Skye on the roof of an old castle. I attacked him... I... tried to kill him... And then... I... fell." Melody was rocking very slightly, the memories clearing upsetting for her.

"I thought... I thought the fall had killed me. Though, the fact there's an older me around proves otherwise


"Oh he might Red. You see, the older you did make a rather interesting confession to him," said Anna slyly.

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Berry looked sadly at Melody and slowly hugged her as she heard the story, "I'm so sorry..."

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Melody hugged tightly back. "Thank you. It's not pleasant to think about. And sometimes I get flashbacks and..." She shook her head.

"But... that's not important right now. At this point the story follows Skye. He was stuck with his abusive Father, and thinking I was dead. It... started to play on his mind. He finally gained the courage to stand up to Father... sorta.... He built a Magic Syphon, a device to drain his Father's magic away. But he couldn't bring himself to use it at the crucial moment. Instead, Mother arrived, and used the Syphon on Father. Skye thought Mother would take him back, as she'd always doted on him. But insted, Mother had him banished from Moebius, cast out onto the Cosmic interstate. And, unknown at the time, back into the past.

"Skye sent three years lost and wandering the interstate along, trying to avoid the Zone Cops, and drifting further into madness."

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(Spark's ear perked up to here what the o.Melody was saying he first got used to the new sent and then answered her.) I'm Spark its nice to meet you (he said getting up still in his transformation.)

(me) just to let you guys know why Spark is still in his transformation because he's training to stay in that form that's why he is still in that form

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"And so ? That's her, not me ."


Locke went back to the bedridden melody.


"I think you shouldn't understestimate the extent of the damage , young woman . I just hope you'll come to me before it get any worse."

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"So are you a fiery wolf all the time?" asked Melody to Spark.


As Berry didn't say anything Melody continued, giving Locke a wave when he entered.

"So, yeah, Skye is wandering the interstate alone for three years, his mind fixated on one idea. Bringing me back to life. Skye... he used to be a nice caring boy, despite his upbringing, but the loneliness and insanity drove that from him. He built a massive version of his Syphon, designed not just to work on magic, but all time of energy. Even life energy. He came to this Zone, intending to drain all it's energy, then destroying it. And with the energy created by it's destruction and what he'd stored, he thought he could bring me back. Except, at the height of his madness, I think he forgot even about me. He was just going to destroy."

"But then something happened. He tried to steal the Master Emerald first. Except, you know that girl Tikal he's sweet on, well she used to be trapped in that Emerald. And when he tried to take it, she spoke to them. I think she was the first nice person Skye met, and it caused him to hesitate. That and, well your friend Kayl might have told you this, but Echidna's have this voodoo mind power with love called a Soul Touch, which means people 'meant' for each other fall instantly in love, and that's what happened here."


"Are you sure? You do look kinda similar," joked Anna.

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Nope, I'm actually a hedgehog.(he said detransforming) See this is my true form.(he said smiling)

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"Whoa, that's pretty cool," said Melody. "You can just change at will?"

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Yeah, but its still hard to stay in that transformation.

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"That why you practice it then?" asked Melody

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Yah but I also can use fire in other ways I can even change the temperature of my fire. I can also enter ones mind, and eat fire. Sorry if I bore you I'm usually a funny guy.

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"You're not boring me at all. I like knowing what powers other people have," said Melody

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Oh okay. Well I'm have a tragic past the 2 worst things are I'm not even supposed to be alive and my sister died a couple years ago.

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Melody's mouth opened and closed a few times. "You're... very forward about your personal life," she said.

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Well I don't really now the costumes here so I guess someone one would usually not tell all that.

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"I'm... sorry to hear about your loss though," said Melody

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(Spark looked down and shuffled his feat) its fine it sad but I'll find away...

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"If there is anything I can do to help..." offered Melody.


"But you were the one who called him cute!" pointed out Anna

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