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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Are you... I mean... Is everything...?" he gasped, with a clear look and tone of worry.

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"No I'm not alright. Far from it. But I just need to focus on the task at hand and hope no one else strikes a nerve."

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And just at that Moment , Spectre walk next to them ."Oh ...agent Zamy , right ?" he asks.


"It's a crazy world we are living in .... one day , you get a wannabe tyrant , and the very next one, he becomes the cutest child ever ..."

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"Umm... Yeah..." Kayl said to Locke, "you see we are exiled from our kingdom do something we didn't do, but we wanted to help someone, and knowing no other timeline, we came here, we will be very grateful... If... Uh, we can get some help?"

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"I know your story." said Locke."You would have been better off letting this idiot to his fate , rather than loosing any hope of coming home ."

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"Bu...but, we cannot, I m..me...an shou-" Berry tried to say, when Kayl cut her.

"Point, but the place isn't worth living anyways."

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"Why we're you pretending to be so against the idea Skye?" Dylan asked

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"Alright then .... Just stay here for the time being ." Said Locke."We'll get you a place to live later on . Right now,as you see, our plate is already a bit fulL"

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"I do happen to know about your.. predicament . And I'm offering to help you."

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"Oh, I see... Well no problem, then." Kayl said, "I'm going to get our stuff, Berry. You stay here..." Kayl said,

"See you!" Berry smiled, after completing her story, then turned to Melody, "so... We are here..."

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"I wasn't preten..." began Skye, then he shook his head. "Okay, I like Miles, but I don't want to. We're so similar in several ways and let he's still... That probably sounds silly, doesn't it?" He sighed. "That, and I don't want him to think he's got an automatic friend in me. If he's faking and I'm proving difficult, maybe some cracks will start showing in his facade, if it is one."


Miles looked between Zamy and Spectre. "If I'm gonna be a bother, I could wait in the Basement for now as Ziona's there."


"That's quite a story," said Melody. "And I suppose I did promise to tell you mine as well."


"I don't think he'd like it if he heard that Red," laughed Anna

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"No Miles, it's fine. Thank you for the offer, but right now I'm coping with it."

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"It doesn't sound silly Skye. I can see your point. I did say that I'm willing to believe he has changed, which I am but I can't be sure that he's not just faking it. If you two do become friends, then it will be easier to see whether he is faking or not and if he's not, then it will probably strengthen his change. If he is, then you'll be able to see it better. I would keep an eye on him as well but I don't think I'll be having much to do with him if he's not staying around here"

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"Good thing he isn't there , then."


"Wether you stay or leave won't cause any hindrance, young man."


Locke let the girl leave.

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"You're right Dylan. It'll either help, or be a good way to keep an eye on him. I hope he is sincere," said Skye.


"If you're sure then," said Miles.


"I could always tell him what you said," teased Anna

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"So do I. It will be good for you to have a friend and good for him and good for us all we don't need to worry about him attacking us"

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"I never thought I'd be good friends with Miles," said Skye, suddenly grinning at the absurdity of it all.


Miles followed behind Zamy.


"Okay, do you want the long or short version?" asked Melody. "Though the short version might be long anyway, so..."

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"He's not the Miles you knew and hated. That Miles is gone for good"

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"Just not in the way I expected," said Skye, suppressing a laugh.


"Tell you what then. I'll start telling the story, and if you want me to stop or go faster, just say so," said Melody. She took a deep breath.

"Okay, me and my brother Skye are from a different Zone, AND from about thirty years into the future. Our Zone is know as Moebius and it is, well... not a nice place. Our parents were Miles Prower and Mina Mongoose (don't say anything yet, I will explain!) who had claimed the throne of Moebius, making me and Skyre and princess and a prince. Except, well, Mother only saw me as a trainee assassin, that was her job before becoming Queen. And Skye.... poor Skye... The things Father did to him..."

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"Yeah, very true" Dylan failing to suppress his laughter

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