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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Yes probably .... At least , it gives me more time to gently take care of you."


"Oh please, I prefer money . Diamonds is way better resold . That way, i don't have to worry about being stolen."

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"It didn't used to make me feel awkward," muttered Skye. "Must be having a big sister looking over my shoulder again."


'She know Zamy's a cop. Oh @$£%!' thought Miles. "You know as well as I do your Majesty that not all Zone Cop's are a squeaky clean as they'd like to appear. This is part of a little business transaction." Miles sidled up to Zamy, knowing she wouldn't like want he was implying, and whispered 'Sorry' quietly to her.


"And there was me thinking you were just helping out because we're friends," teased Anna.


"Oh! I think I might make the most of that time then," said Ziona.

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"Still, do you want us to stop talking about it"

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"Helping you out is a freebie . But none of these sexy old men are friendly enough , dear. so.........."


"There is no need to be upset , skye . She is just playing with you."


"I'll be there to make Sure Of it."

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"Business transaction? I thought you said this was hazardous magic," said a skeptical Alicia.

"It is," piped up Zamy. "I'm in need of some potent stuff for work. It's easier than doing it manually."

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Skye turned, grinning. "I don't mind. You're the one parading it around right now," he said cheekily.

"I'm not saying anything Tikal," said Melody faux defensively.


"Exactly. Now if you'll stand well back so that none of you are in danger..." said Miles


"Huh, that explains why future you is so keen on Locke. I didn't think you went in for that type," said Anna.


Ziona laughed. "I don't doubt it."

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"Alright you two, lets keep the peace here. At least until after this is done" Dylan said to Tikal and Skye

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"Yes sir!" said Skye grinning. "Could you set up the centrifuge please?"

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Tikal just smiled.


"Are you implying something , Anna ? Please, tell me more..."


"Oh, you have no idea, crimson fox."

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"I wasn't talking to you Skye and you know that" he said before beginning to set it up

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Skye was just laughing. "Okay, the plan is we use this sample to create a little magic cube that we'll grow the body from."


"Oh I simply didn't think you had a think for older men. In fact," Anna thought back to something the older Red had confessed to, "I thought you had a thing for... the cuter type."


"Then why don't you show me?"

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"That sounds... Interesting. Strange but interesting"

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"We don't need the cube to do this, but if we want the body to be as close to Melody's current one as possible, we do." Skye turned to his sister. "Are there any changes you want us to make?"

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Glen pulled Zionna Even closer ."You just have to ask , dear."


"Oh well, I do have a wide range of taste , my dear."

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"So I'm learning," said Anna smiling.


"And I am asking!"

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"Wait there. Shad- Darn I forgot he's away," she muttered as she approached Miles, though rrcoiled slightly when she noticed he only had one tail.

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Miles also took a step back, worried as Alicia approached. Though doing so was an unintentional sign of weakness. The he saw Alicia recoiled and, not realising why, tried to regain the superior foot hold,.

"Something wrong?" he taunted.

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Miles struggled to keep his face level when Alicia mentioned his missing tail.

"No. I'm not going to give you the box," he replied, trying to sound confident.

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With a swift movement Alicia raised her whip and aim to strike Miles in the arm.

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Miles gave a cry and tried to dodge, but was far too slow and the whip caught his arm, cutting into it.

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Zamy moved to attack Alicia but was stopped by her associates, though managed to knock one away with a swift kick. Alicia herself made another attempt to get to Miles.

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Miles backed away from Alicia but tripped and fell on his back. He gulped, but having had a chance to rest he hadn a little bit of his magic back. He concentrated and fired a magical bolt towards Alicia.

"Just leave me alone," he shrieked.

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Alicia tried to dodge the bolt but it struck her in the arm. With gritted teeth she glowered at Miles. "You're going to regret that," she growled.

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Miles backed up a bit still on the ground.

"How about a deal," said Miles quickly. "You let me and my friend leave with the box, and you NEVER hear from me again."

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