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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Okay, first of all, I'm not entirely sure why he was here, but when I was there he was trying to possess the other Miles. Secondly, no one is dead. What I meant by late father, is that he..." Dylan paused for thought. "Is that he doesn't technically count as your father now"

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Yah happy ugh you have a um new mother. (Spark said slowly)

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Dylan glared at Spark

"Way to break the news slowly"

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"He was trying to possess Miles..." whispered Skye softly, unexpectedly feeling sorry for the young Fox. "When you say he's not dead, do you mean he just got erased from time or..."

Then Spark spoke.

"I have... he..." Skye paused trying to process what was just said. "How... how did that happen? And I want to see him."


"Really, you mean that? As long as someone's keeping an eye on me I don't need to be stuck in that cell?" asked Miles, sounding far more animated and happy than his usual self.

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"He was trying to send us all into oblivion but his spell went wrong. And..." Dylan took out his camera and passed it to Skye

"This is the outcome to it"

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Skye took the camera from Dylan with a blank look. He scanned through the photo's, his expression not changing. Looking up, he handed the camera back to Dylan.

"I want to see him," Skye repeated.


"Thank you Zamy," said Miles with a grin, then his stomach gave a loud rumble. "I, er, sorry about that. Erm, it's been a few day's since I've eaten."

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Dylan was starting to feel the situation was getting more awkward

"Um... okay. If you insist. But as long as you don't try and kill her or anything like that"

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"It's no trouble. And I'm sure we can sort something out for you, food-wise," said Zamy as the rest of Zhadow's team converged on the elder Miles while he came over to Zamy.

"I would have preferred to see everyone again under better circumstances, but right now I've got to take what I can get. I just hope this doesn't said the standard for what an academy reuinion would look like," he said to her.

"You and me both. Take care Zhadow. Good to see you again," replied Zamy.

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"Don't worry, I'm not going to give..." Miles face suddenly turned into a twisted grin, "...her the satisfaction."

Skye turned and went over to the bed where Melody was lying.

"Hi Melody. I know this must be confusing for you. I'll explain evening Sis, don't worry. But there's something I have to do first." He gave Melody's hand a squeeze, then went back to Dylan.

"Let's go."

(ooc: At this stage, I think let Skye see Miles. It's not gonna end in violence. Well, unless the Zone Cop's try and stop him! :P )

Melody was, as Skye guessed, lying there confused, having heard everything that was said. 'Father turned himself into a girl? Skye is now red? And he... I knew he'd be older but I never really thought he'd look it. And it seems I have a twin sister now or something. They talked about paradoxes. What did they change?'


Miles smiled at Zamy, then waited back a bit while she and Zhadow talked. He hadn't expected them to have been in the same class.

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"Okay then" Dylan grabbed Skye's arm and teleported him to where the others were

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"Oh melody, dear ... What had they done to you?" Asked the older red on her bed.


Rikal stayed behind skye.

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Miles gave a start as Skye arrived, espeally given what Zamy had said about stopping him seeing Miley. The two cubs looked at each other, and Miles was surprised that, for once, Skye didn't seem to be look at him with any hatred.

"Did he..?" asked Skye, pointing at Miles. It took Miles a moment to realise that Skye was pointing at his black eye.

"U, uh, yeah, that was him," said Miles, tenderly touching his bruised eye.. Skye just nodded, then started walking towards the group of Zone Cops around Miley.


Melody couldn't see Red, but she could hear her. 'Odd. You sound more like you did when you were older,' thought Red. 'And you were the one who did this to me. You've killed me twice now!'

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Dylan followed Skye not saying anything. Half of him wanted to see Miley's reaction to seeing Skye. The other half wished Skye hadn't asked to come

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As the Zone Cops seemed not to have noticed him, Skye was able to walk right up to Miley, who was kneeling on the ground head bowed. Skye struggled to keep his face straight as he looked at her.

"Looking for someone?" asked Skye rhetorically. Miley looked up with surprise at the voice, her face forming into an expression of horror at Skye seeing her like this. She was about to try and back away, when she stopped.

'It's Skye. That useless kid has no backbone to stand against me. He couldn't even bring himself to use his Syphon on me after all that time on the run. Even with me like this, he'll do whatever I say,' she thought to herself.

"Skye, break these cuffs and we'll deal with these Zone Cops," said Miley harshly, actually intending to just run for it and leave Skye handling the cops. "That's an order, you pathetic little wretch. Obey me!"

Skye's face split once more into a twisted grin, finally understanding what he was about to say would do more damage than any injury he could inflict. He savored the moment, drawing it out, before ending it with a simple, quiet word.


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Dylan smiled when he heard Skye's reply it seemed like bringing Skye here was a good idea after all

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"This whole thing is turning into a circus show," said one of the Zone Cops when he saw Skye, moving towards him and Miley. "You know talk of escape might make my pepper spray 'accidently' go off," he said to Miley.

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Miley's mouth flapped open and shut a few time, not able to believe what she heard.

"You little runt. I'm you're father. If you don't..." Skye's interrupted her with a laugh.

"Bad choice of words given the circumstances!" he crowed. Miley began shaking, Skye had never dared interrupt her before. If even the useless little cub was standing against her....

"I think she's still planning on escaping," said Skye to the Cop.

"How could you? You're weak, useless. You can't do anything. You're a failure!" shouted Miley.

"And yet, you're the one in cuffs, cursed, and about to be locked away. While I have a proper life now. A proper family." Skye turned and began walking away.

"SKYE!" shrieked Miley after him. "You're my son. You will obey me. You can't resit! I know you can't. I made sure of it." Skye paused and turned back briefly.

"Are you talking about that copy of yourself you implanted in my mind. Sorry, but he's been taken care off as well. He's chained up in my head, screaming to get out. In fact..." Skye walked back over to Miley. "Now would be a good chance of getting rid of him. To completely get your evil out of my head." Skye reached out to place a hand on Miley's head.

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The Zone Cop grabbed Skye's wrist before he got to Miley.

"Are you sure you can handle it in there? He just wreaked havoc in Zamy's mind. Would it help if he were distracted out here at all?" he asked.

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"Don't worry. I'm just putting something back. Not going in myself. But any distraction would help," said Skye with a grin.

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"Thanks," said Skye. Miley tried to leap at Skye, but before she could Skye's hand made contact with her head and she went ridged. Skye shut his eyes, concentrating, seemingly confused about something.

"This is easier than I thought! What's this? No magic? No magic resistance? Well!" Skye grinned. There was a surge of power from Skye's arm. It shot into Miley's head. Her eye's flashed brightly for a second, the she dropped to the ground.

"W-what did you do?" she moaned. "I can't... No... I used to... where..."

Skye just grinned wickedly.

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"Well, I put back the part of him that was raging in my head," said Skye with a relieved sigh. "But when I realized how weak her defenses were, well, I kinda did the equivalent of setting off an EMP charge in the knowledge center of her brain. Except for her language skills, everything else has been wiped. Her memories are still there, but I may have wiped some of them by accident. I didn't really have time to be subtle."

Skye looked at where Miley was lying on the ground.

"That, uh, may have included some of her motor functions as well. She might need to relearn how to walk and stuff..."

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The Zone Cop sighed. "Great. Do you know how much physiotherapy like that costs? Or how long it takes?"

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