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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Zionna, You aren't alright , you are bleeding !!!!!" said an upset glen.

Red on the other hand simply avoided the knives."I have been doing this for years !!!! you'll need more than that..."


"It's just...so many thing happenned...that's almost confusing."

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"Sit down," said Skye kindly, "and talk it through. You've listened to me all this time. Now it;s my turn."


"I said it's just a scratch. Quit worrying, I got hurt a lot worse in the war," said Ziona.

"If you insist," replied Melody. From her belt she pulled out a wire frame with a crystal set in it's center, and slipped into onto her hand. "ANARCHY BLAST!" she yelled pointing the crystal upwards, as a wide cone of Anarchy Energy swept through the air to engulf the area around Red.

"I'll make you pay for that you little yellow pest," hissed Miles as more chains burst from the ground to try and wrap around the younger Miles, Zamy, Spark and Anna, but these ones were not heated.

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(Spark transformed into his phoenix form and flue upwards zigzagging all over the place.) Quit fighting like a sissy and come and hit me with your own hands. (Spark was trying to get him to fight him cqc because he new he would have a better chance of hearing him that way.)

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No way out of this... Red would have to take the full force of the attack."That wsn't supposed to... " She got thrown down.


"I'm serious Zionna. Look at your side!!!! we ned to get you out there before you bleed out ..."


Tikal smiled "I'll be fine skye."

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Skye almost looked disappointed. "If... you're sure Tikal. But it doesn't sound fair. I've moaned and whined all the time to you, and if there's anything even slightly troubling you I want to help."


"I'm not bleeding out Glen. It's not as bad as it looks. It it was I wouldn't still be fighting," she fired another shot. "Or arguing with you for that matter!"

Another smile appeared on Melody's face as she began walking towards the downed Red.

Miles smirked at Spark. "My own hands? While you hide behind a magic shell? Besides, I never play fair." With a look of concentration and some muttered arcane words, the ground below where Spark was flying began to crack and several geysers of water launched into the air towards him.

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(the geyser hits Spark trapping him in a water prison unable to move because his legs and arms are both shut down) blub lub blu bluub

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"Okay." Kayl said to melody and turned to Anna, "let's get you out of here, well make cool stories of this war to tell your grandchildren- but you have to stay alive for that." She said grabbing Anna and entering a portal.

Berry was sitting in a hospital bed when he trio entered, "Kayl, wh-?" She asked when Kayl interrupted, "no time, war going on. Details from the kids." She said, leaving Melody and Anna here and going back to the war place before the portal closed.

Berry looked at them, "war?" She asked, worried.

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Dylan picked up a rock and threw it at Miles' head. He knew that it wouldn't do much, but hopefully it would distract Miles for someone else to make a move

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"That's right , lady, come closer...." Though red to herself. A little more , and the moongoose was done for.


"If you don't do something about it right now , I'll have to intervene Zionna!" Said Glen."it's never that important.. And then you die because you forgot about it . Fighting 101 Zionna !! Always be on lookout when it comes to wounds." He fired a few Poop at miles for good measure.


"Don't worry about me , skye."

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(OOC Unfortunate typo there Locke).

Zamy got a hold of the younger Miles and began to skate away, only for a chain to wrap around her leg and trip her up.

"Run for it, I'll catch up," she said to him, trying to burn through the chain with her other skate.


Shadow eventually made his way to the research site. It appeared to be built into the mountain, but the door was frozen shut. Chaos spear in hand, he cut through around the door and kicked it in, the sound of it clanging on the floor ringing throughout the room, only to be replaced by a dead silence soon after. With no other light source to hand, Shadow entered the darkened room still holding his Chaos spear.

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"You know I can't do that Tikal," said Skye, smiling.


"It's... not a war. My father... I think he's trying to posses his younger self," Melody tried to explain.

Anna meanwhile looked furious. "Kid? KID? I'm fifteen! I bet I've killed more people than she's even met!" She snatched up a nearby surgical instrument. "I've been there now. CHAOS CONTROL!"


Melody continued walking towards Red, getting ready to strike a knock-out blow.

For a moment it looked like the younger Miles was going to do as Zamy suggest, though more through fear than doing what she said. Then he hesitated, and instead went and grabbed the chain near where she was cutting it.

"Trying to run would be useless here," he said. "They're both faster than I am before you take spells into account. I'll try and dispel this chain spell. At the very least it'll make it easier for you to cut through."

Meanwhile the older Miles grinned at how effective his geyser spell was proving. He kept it going, but with all the other active spells his magic was starting to drain. He saw his younger self close-by, and began to move towards him, only to flinch when the rock struck his head. He spun around.

"You AGAIN? Didn't you learn your lesson?"

Nearby, Anna reappeared on the battlefield, only to almost immediately drop to all fours with exhaustion.

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Spark new what he had to do he he increased the temperature of his body to evaporate the water.) bulub blub blu. (the water started to vaporise put he new he was running out of air so he started to spin around and around.)

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"It's you who needs a lesson Miles. Don't mess with us." He then threw another rock at Miles' face

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"Seems... dangerous." Berry said, just when she noticed Anna and sighed, "I thought she was Easy to control."

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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With Miles helping Zamy managed to cut through the chain enough to break it with a swift boot. Taking his hand she set off once again. "Somehow I doubt we'll have it this easy."

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Red saw how melody seemed to depend lf some sort of machinery in her back. That's Where she would strike.


Glen started to take care of Zionna's wound. "You'll thank me later, believe me."


"My little fox..."Said Tikal before Nuzzling Skye.

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Skye gave a happy sigh and placed his arm round Tikal.


"Easy? What made you think that?" said Melody with a little laugh. "Well, she is meek most of the time, but get her temper up and she reverts pretty quickly." Melody sighed. "We all do."


"Oh, very well, if you insist," said Ziona, dropping into cover.

"I'll need to make sure you stay still for the transfer," said Melody as she stood over Red. "ANARCHY..."

"If you're resort to such childish tactics, I don't think I need to worry about that lesson," said the older Miles, using his tails to bat the rock back at Dylan with extreme force.

"Actually we might," said the younger Miles quietly to Zamy. "I've figured it out. His magic must be weak, so he's drawing magic from the planet itself, which can be dangerous. He has to stay in contact, or at least near the ground, that's why he's not flying. That could be one way to stop him. Or make him draw on so much power he overloads."

Anna got back to her feet, and with an angry look charged at the older Miles.

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"Right," Berry smiled, patting Melody, "is it dangerous out there, or everything will be fine?"

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"They'll... They'll be lucky if they all make it out alive," said Melody. "They're facing my Father and... and m-me..." She cradled her face in her hands. "Oh god. I did survive. I'm just a copy. A fake."

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"I see. so if we get him into the air, it might stop him? I've got one idea, but it's a stretch," said Zamy before turning to face the older Miles. Bending down, she began adjusting the power of the jets coming from the skates to give her extra boost.

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The water twist and turns along with Spark.) whew, made out of that one. (he says in the middle of what was the geyser which is now a tornado.) alright eat this (he says flinging the tornado at the older Miles

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"No, hon." Berry said, giving Melody a comforting hug, "nothing is wrong, you live, you're unique, different. Let's just hope it'll end up fine."

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Dylan ducked, then picking up one more rock said

"You can handle us one at a time, yes"

He began running towards Miles

"But can you handle us all at once?"

He attempted to slam the rock into Miles

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Melody hugged Berry tightly back. "I... I know I'm unique.... I already knew I was not the... the original. But I though the old me was dead. But seeing her... me... running around..." Melody sniffed. "I used to be the older sister. Now I'm the youngest in my family. I suspect the way I was brought back warped my personalty. I think I... I think I might do the same thing Anna did. Ask Mom and Dad for a new name and fully accept I'm someone else."


"If that plan doesn't work, we just need to outlast him so he pulls on too much energy," said the younger Miles to Zamy. "He's used a lot already."

The older Miles' eyes flashed between Spark and Dylan as the both made their yelled challenges.

"Oh, I think I can," he said smarmy to Dylan, before backfliping away so Dylan, unless he dodged, would be hit by Spark's tornado. "But I'd rather let you handle each other." He turned to Spark. "Sorry, I've already eaten."

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