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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Rancor stared at the portal for a moment. "So this is how you guys have been getting around so fast." he says as he gets read to jump in.

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"I think Ziona, Glen and those newcomers are there, but we can just lock ourselves in one of the rooms," said Skye as he began walking out. He paused as he passed Anna.

"This was a great meal! I'll catch you back at the hotel Sis!" he said to Anna.

Anna nodded, and smiled, not noticing what was up with the two girls.

"So, what's just happened? Why this sudden change of secrecy?" he asked Hope.


"Really? You can do that an no one cared?" asked Ziona, a little shocked.

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"Ah, we aren't too far away from the temple." Said Spectre."We better get a move on, as our little friend might be there at any time."


"Let's Go !!!" Said Glen, jumping in the portal.

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"Locke thought something was wrong and so decided to ambush Melody and I. I suddenly got a terrible headache then Melody spilled the beans," she replied as she got over to Shadow and informed him they were going back to the hotel. He nodded and chaos controlled them back to the hotel.

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"Well, the two of you were acting rather odd the whole evening, I'm not surprised Dad noticed something." said Skye as they arrived back. "And you suddenly got a headache? Do you still have it?"

"I... I didn't mean to Hope. I was just so worried that it was.... something worse than just a headache," pleased Melody

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"No it comes and goes. And even if it was worse than a headache Shadow could have easily gotten me to safety .But it doesn't matter now. Which room do we want to go in?" said Hope.

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"Mine I guess. I've got one or two things that could be useful in there, and my journal. But I don't think those headaches are anything to worry about. It's just your brain isn't used to, well, thinking in that kinda way. If you spend several months just loafing on a couch, then tried to run a marathon, how would your legs feel?"

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The group headed over to Skye's room and entered.

"I suppose that makes sense. At least it's nothing to worry about," replied Hope.

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"Well, it shouldn't be, I could be wrong," replied Skye as he knelt down next to the bed and pullout out a suit case from underneath it. "But generally if someone gains new abilities, I can take a while for the body to adapt."

"So, uh, why don't I have headaches?" asked Melody.

"That's also quite easy to explain, assuming things are similar here to how they are on Moebius. Humans tend not to have powers of any kind, except for the ability to use magic. Mobians on the other-hand, get all kinds. Therefore, Mobians are more adapted to having... weird powers. Hence no, or at least, less of a headache for you." explained Skye, taking a deep breath when he was done.

"Well Hope, if only you were a Mobian you would be feeling fine," joked Melody, trying to get Hope to smile.

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"That does sound like a plausible theory Skye, and would explain why she was the only one to get them," said Shadow. Hope just nodded in agreement with his statement.

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"The trouble is, I'm not sure painkillers are the best idea here. They change how the brain works slightly, and as this ability is based IN the brain..." said Skye as he threw the suitcase on top of the bed and began unzipping it.

Melody glanced at Hope, saddened that her attempt at a joked hadn't worked, then slumped down on a nearby chair.

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"It's ok, I'll guess I'll just have to weather the storm and not use my telepathy too much."

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"Well, I guess the children got tired Quickly,"Said Young Red ."Good , now the real party can start."

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"That's one option, though I can think of a few others," said Skye. He pulled out a clear crystal embedded in a gold frame out from the suitcase, and held it up to his eye.

"Yeah, this one should be fine. Uh, don't tell Rouge I have these. Doubly so as the case is enchanted too..."


Anna rolled her eye's humorously. "You and your parties!" she joked.

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"I won't too much drink."Said Young red."It's a promise"

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"Right now, nothing. These amulets are set up to be enchanted. But they could be part of one of the options," Skye explained. "I suppose I should put all the ideas I have on the table so you can choose, but none of them are perfect I'm afraid." He sat down.

"Option 1 is as you said, tough it out. The flaw there is obvious, and it could take a long time. Option 2 involves these," said Skye holding up the crystal. "Once we've worked out HOW you telepathy is working... which might be something other than your teleporter. You have just started playing with magic yourself after all. But once we work out what, we can enchant these to act as, well, training wheels for your powers. Which should help dull the pain, and give you both more control and possibly a boost. The trouble is, I've no idea how long it will take to discover the cause and get these ready, so it might end up being the same as option 1."

"Option 3... is, well, enchant these crystal to be a magical form of painkiller rather than a chemical one. That is slightly less risky, but if it DOES go wrong, the side effects would be much, much worse. Plus, the effect can be very, very addictive. And make you a little crazy. Mother gave me something similar in the dream."

Skye tossed the crystal in the air like a coin.

"Number 4. We put the both of you into an enchanted sleep so your body can adjust to this ability without you feeling pain. But, that could mean being asleep for several days in a row, and given how you just fallen out, and stuff in dreams is much faster than in the real world, that might be hellish for you. Heck, even if you hadn't fallen out, spending what feels to you like several weeks with only you two alone?"

"And, option 5, er.." Skye seemed hesitant to suggest it, "if I'm right about Mobian's not getting headaches because they are more inclined towards powers, I could set up a magical ritual to transform you for a few days. No need to explain the downside with that plan."

"And finally, another obvious one, you two simply find out what the range is on this thing, and don't ever see each other again."

"NO! We can't do THAT!" Melody exclaimed, horrified.

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"I see. I think it's best to just stick with the first option and maybe option 2 at the same time as well. I can afford to be asleep for several days continously, the painkillers obviously have the problem of addiction and potential madness, being transformed into a mobian is just a big no, and I don't want to completely cut off Melody."

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Melody perked up when Hope said she didn't want to cut her off completely.

Skye nodded. "2 is the one I would have chosen, but it was only fair to give you all the ideas I could think of. And even if I don't get these enchanted in time to solve the headaches, they will make it easier to switch your ability on and off."

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"I know, thank you Skye. Yes, they should at least help with that so it doesn't become intolerablly painful."

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"I hope so, so let's get started," said Skye, diving almost literally inside his suitcase. "I'm sure they're in here somewhere," came his voice, slightly muffled. Then he popped his head out. "By the way, if this mind reading thing does make getting to sleep hard, I can put you in a shorter enchanted sleep just overnight. In fact, I could make it so deep that you'd probably make no contact with each other at all."

He began rummaging in the bag again. "Ah, here they are."

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"Only one way to find out I guess," said Skye as he emerge from the case holding two little boxes with dials on them.

"First thing to do is find out if magic is somehow involved in your telepathy. So I want each of you to hold these boxes in your hands for a few minutes to get a base reading of your magic, then talk to each other in your heads of a while and see if the needle changes position." He handed over the boxes.

"And while we wait for the base reading, I suppose it could be important to mention if anything else odd happened today. Anything since you started practicing magic Hope. Even if it seems trivial. After all, the teleporter might have been the cause, but it could have interacted with something else."

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Hope held onto the compass. "WEll, erm, we did try a tiny bit of alcohol and then showed Shadow my magic for the first time. Unfortunately when we tried to extinguish the lights Melody accidentally turned me into a human fireball. Yeah, stupid of us i know."

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Skye stared at the two of them. "Alcohol? Seriously. Erm... what was it like? But, uh, I'm glad you seem none the worse for the fireball thing. Uh, well, lets see, we've got chemical stimulants, out of control magic, and dimension crossing supertech... This could be tricky to narrow down..."

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