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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I see ."Saud Glen, getting closer to have a better look."Let's just move faster then ."


"I doubt it was Part of anna's plan."Said Old Red."Who ever did that , that was very nice of you ."

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"Yes." Kayl went on as she noticed, "wait, where is the butler echidna?"

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"Gone, I'd say."Said Glen."And quite mysteriously ."

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"Huh? Without notice, hope no trouble come." Kayl said, quite scared.

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"Don't worry, That's why I'm here."Said Glen, smiling.

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'Yep. Makes a nice change!' thought Melody. For once she didn't take the credit for the cake idea. Melody didn't want to take the moment away from Anna.

"This... This is so wonderful," sobbed Anna happily.

"But it's true. You are home now," pointed out Melody.

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"To whoever did that, It's a beautiful present ." Said Red Happily.

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"yeah, thanks." Kayl, "but I am not used to butler echidnas." She shuddered, "well, let's continue."

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"Well he is gone , so he won't be a problem. " Said Glen ."Unless you see me as one that is..."

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(I couldn't get on the site yeserday for some reason X_x)

Rancor finds Glen and Kayl. "Sorry friends, I seem to have lost my train of thought and missed your departure. What have you discovered so far?


As the group head out once more. Astraea pulled out the book again.

Novanus Log 2

During the second meeting, I was able to confront the creature while the earth and water element were conversing. I do not recall his name, however he had said he was a race of echidna and was here on a journey. When asking him of what this journey entailed, he simple replied "everything". His words lead me to grow more fond of him, and so I asked for him to join me once he had finished his business with the earth element. He agreed to the terms, so I will look forward to seeing him soon.

"You ancestors make it sound bad for him to make that choice." Kali says, making Astraea look up from the journal.

"She clearly has more information than yours had. Besides, it wasn't exactly safe with him running around with your ancestors either!"

As the two bicker on, Knuckles and chaos just look at each other and shrug, continuing to follow Spectre.

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(Ooc: Yeah. Heard that there was a nasty wave of cold back in the US . Hope you got some hot blanket in you house!)

"here you are!" Said Glen."Don't worry, you haven't missed much."


"Hum..."Said Spectre as he was also listening to Astrea's reading ."So our civilisation were closer thanwe all though .... Interesting ."

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'I glad she does,' thought Melody. 'It was a bit of a risk but I thought she would. Thanks for your help.' Melody was grinning from the compliments from both Red's, but still not admitting to it.

"Dylan, have you got your camera? This deserves a photo!" she said


Ziona sat back down next to Berry. "Feeling any better?"

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"It does indeed."Said Locke ."If you don't have one , I think I do"

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"No problem. You're the one who thought of it and grabbed it. I just spotted the store."

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Young red Saw Melody Grinning and blushing. She got closer ."And I suppose you are the one to who we owe that little ... unexpected present ?" She asked her , making sure to lower her voice .

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Melody smiled and nodded at the younger Red. "Yeah. Well, me an' Hope. I just wanted her to fully understand that we've accepted her." she whispered back

'I know. But if you hadn't spotted that store I'd have probably run right past and into the next town,' Melody thought at the same time.

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"Well, if she hasn't got it by now, I doubt anything could make it more understandable than that,"Said young red.

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Dylan took out his camera

"Okay! Everyone get ready for a picture!"

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"I think she's got it!" said Melody to Red, then to the rest of the table, "Family around Anna for the pic!" She got up to stand next to her sister, as did Skye. Anna was now grinning stupidly at everyone.

'Let's prey it's not my only one' Melody thought.

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(ooc: Skye I have to applaud you for not going crazy from the glitched in changing font/color and what not for all your characters.)

"Ah, good good. So what's our next step?" Rancor asks.


"ANYWAY!" Astraea says after a long bickering with Kali. "Let me finish."

Novanus Log 3

The Echidna has followed up his agreement to join me in traveling to the society of fire. He showed quick integration with our people. Of course we kept secret of his travels in the earth society. H seemed to have a peaceful effect on the people, as battles with the other nations became less costly. Many soldiers were not lost to be reborn again and sometimes there was even conversation between generals while fighting. The only exception to this was the water society however. Although they would converse, their actions would not change, in comparison to the earth and wind societies. It is to this reason that Perseus and and I have agreed to have the Echidna travel to the water society, in hopes that he will have the same effect on them.

Astraea closes the book as she reaches the end.

"So it seems all the answers lie in the journal of Perseus." Kali says thinking.

"It would appear so. The fact that there is no journal on the wind society would mean that Perseus hopefully has the answers." Astraea responds as she moves up to Spectre. "Where must we travel next for the jounral, if you don't mind me asking?"

Edited by Knuckles The Echidna

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"I'm sure you'll have plenty more," thought Hope as Crowley teleported next to her so he wasn't in the shot.

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