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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Tikal opened her mouth whole to get the fork.

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Skye gently placed the fork in Tikal's mouth.

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Tikal ate the food skye gave her."that was delicious ." She said, a smile on her face .

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Sonic opened his eyes and woke up. "Hey, what's goin' on? Where am I? And...Fiona?"

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"Glad you like it," replied Skye


"Oh boy, here we go!" muttered Ziona. "Right, to answer you questions. No idea, you're the one who randomly appeared. You're in a hotel room on Angel Island in the Prime Zone. And no, I'm not Fiona. I'm Ziona, a Zone Cop. Don't worry, I'm not here to recruit you for some other crazy mission."

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"Yes . Now let's enjoy the rest of the meal before somes try to make us feel bad about it ." Said Tikal.

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"Okay, uh...Zi? How come you're not sideways?"

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Skye grinned. "Good idea. Unless you want to share both dishes?"


Ziona raided her arm and tap the wrist band on it. "Stabilizer device. Essential when your on permanent station here like I am."

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"Hum, For now , i'll just eat what I already have ."Said Tikal ,smiling at skye.

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"Oh, yeah. I remember...it was when I was taking Scourge to the Zone Jail. But it's a little foggy...must be due to the two worlds."

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"Okay, whatever you want," replied Skye.


"Two worlds? What two worlds?" asked Ziona, confused

(ooc: As far as I know, this verse is either pre-reboot, or the reboot never happened i.e. Eggman didn't ram Sonic so the world was returned to 'normal'. Or... Eggman did ram Sonic, and this is a completely different reboot :P )

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Berry stared, "hello?" She tried to say politely.


Kayl smiled, "so I guess we are both beginners in this thing."

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"Wait, if you're from the No Zone, didn't you notice something different here? Eggman messed me up when I tried to fix the world, messing up reality."

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Skye smiled and also began eating.


"Well, introductions first then," said Ziona. "At least, I'm guessing you're Sonic. Sonic, Berry. Berry, Sonic. And and for messing up the world, we did have Eggman and some other scientist playing with a g-wave, but that was weeks ago. Sure, things are slightly different now, the Echidna's aren't in the Twilight Cage for starters, but I'd hardly call reality messed up."

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"WHAT? Wait, I get it. Maybe this is another zone where Eggy didn't mess me up. But how did I get here? And is Sally still a robot here? Zi, Berry, what happened since the last G-wave?"

Edited by BlueBlur62391

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'They've stopped now Hope. And that wasn't as bad as normal. If they hadn't fed each other it almost wouldn't have been 'wuvy' at all.' thought Melody.


"Uh, this is still the Prime Zone Sonic. So... unless you are somehow from another multi-verse with it's own Prime Zone and so forth. I don't know about Sally or any other details I'm afraid. I don't think she's still a robot though, or the others would have encountered her when Eggman attacked the island last night."

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Berry looked around, "I am from this zone of the past time,so I dunno much either, Mr Sonic."

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"Yeah, I guess so."Said Glen,"Do you have any lead at least ?"


"It's not so bad indeed."Said Tikal.

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"Is the fact that I know how he looks a lead?" Kayl giggled, "fine, fine. Let's just hope nothing is dangerous here, we'll find him."

Suddenly she tripped.

"Oh darn i- oh great. Yeah this is a lead." She showed a golden bangle, "I know this is his."

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"It might be over but it doesn't make it any less disgusting," thought Hope as she continued to eat her meal. Judging by the look on Shadow's face it seemed he would've agreed with her.

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Glen gently helped her back on her feet ."That's a begginning ."

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Sonic abruptly jumped out of bed. "So, I'm in another Prime Zone. Weird. Hey, if I help you with your stuff, y'think you could help throw me back home? Strangely, I think I feel more at home in the messed up world. I mean, Knothole's still standing, and King Acorn is a nice guy. Sure, we have the issue of the shattered planet, but I'd prefer that reality better than the old one."

(OOC: You know what? This is too much. I'm leaving.)

Suddenly, a portal sucked in Sonic. "Maybe this is my ticket home. Have fun with your version of me, guys! Sorry it had to be so short! Bye!"

Edited by BlueBlur62391

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