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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Glen jumped in , prefering to avoid Goodbye that would maje his work harder.

(Ooc: I'm tired of tuxedo knuckles. So I'll just have glen Shoot him down whenever he can . )


"You are that lighter shade of white my life needed Anna."Said Young Red."Stay that way."


"We can have a break here eventually , But we'll have to move somewhere safer once everyone is ready ."Said Spectre."There is still one book left after all."

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(ooc: Don't kill him, possible, he wouldn't mean any harm.)

Kayl went in.

To bump into some real long echidna.

"What a day."

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(ooc: then by the power in my lazy posting, I resummon Ikiryo, the spirit of Knuckles's vengance back into the world of Mobius!!)

The echidna turns around to see the young child.

"Ah, excuse me miss. I had not noticed you behind me." he says as he straightens his bow tie.

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Kayl stared, "uh... yea... I'm...sorry..." then she shook her head, "umm... did you meet any male, light-blue squirrel here?"

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Glen turns ariund , only to see The echidna . "Oh great, just what we needed ."

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Kayl made a creeped out face, " you know this...thing?'

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The echidna pauses for a moment, unsure of his wrong doings.


After looking through, Astraea begins to read out the book.

Novanus Log 1

It has been reported that the earth elements have been seen with a strange creature running around. It looks to be non-hostile, however possess great power. It never attacks us, however it always helps defend, and even tries to communicate with the attackers. It was even brought to the secret meeting among elemental scientist. Upon the next meeting, I must inquire it to learn its origins and motives.

Before Astraea can finish the next few pages, the rubble of the temple begin to cave in as Trigun is seen pulling himself out the wreckage.

"Humph, and here I thought you were down for the count." Kali says, standing up ready to fight.

"You'd be surprised....in our difference of power boy..." Trigun says, continuing to regenerate parts of his body with water as he emerges.

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Kayl asked again, "Did you meet and light-blue, male squirrel, sir?"

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The echidna ponders for a moment. "I'm sorry, I was actually looking for someone myself, and was not paying attention to my surroundings. Perhaps I can assist you in finding your lost one?" he offers politely.

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Kayl was astonished with so much politeness, "That would be kind of you, thanks. But, who are you finding, we will help you too."

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Anna blinked, then leapt out of her chair to hug Red tightly, happy tears in her eyes. "ThankYouThankYouThankYou!," she said quietly. "I so happy you can accept me as I am now, and I'll always be there for you!"


Ziona sat down next to Berry, trying not to let her worry show. "They'll be back soon," she said.

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The echidna pauses again. He is umm.....one could say my twin brother. It's very difficult to explain." he says, messing with his blackened locks to straighten them.

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Berry looked down, "Hopefully, I can't lose anyone else." She sobbed. "So... how did you and Glen meet?" She asked to make the situation a bit better


Kayl gulped- ANOTHER LIKE HIM, "How will one distinguish?"

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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"ah, I apologize with my vague explanation." The echidna says waving his arms. 'He is of a much lighter tone than me, and is very well known. In any case, my name is Rancor. It's a pleasure to meet you." he says, giving a bow.

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"Wait , you are searching for knuckles ? " Asked Glen ."He isn't there actually .But I'm sure we'll be able to find him if we ask Locke."


Red simply smiled ."You are my friend . It's why I care so much about you . Because you deserve it."


Spectre look at Trigun ."You lost this fight . Begone and lick your wound . I have no interest in meaningless fights ." Said Spectre.

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Kayl bowed the women way, "Kayle-ne it is, thank you, same to you. We'll provide all possible help in finding him."

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"I see." Rancor responds. "If you know of how to find Knuckles, then I shall aid you in your travels as fair trade. My needs are not so urgent."


Trigun looks to Spectre. "Mark my words you demon, I will overcome your power someday."

He then dissolves into the ground and dissapears once more.

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"Demon .... "Pondered Spectre ."It's been a long time since someone ever called me like that... especially by someone more suited for the title"


"Well, don't worry , We'll get you to knuckles once the girl can find her friend . It's ..: very important for another friend ." Said Glen.

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"You do too Red. You're a great friend. It's good to have you here, even if it's only for a short while."

Melody got up comfort Anna, thinking she was actually upset. When she realised otherwise she smiled, but hugged her sister anyway.


"How we met, well..." Ziona laughed as she thought back. "I was sent to arrest this kid called Skye, long story. But Skye had reformed, and was helping free a different Zone from a were-hog curse that threatened to spread to other Zones. Glen was working for the ones who were trying to spread the curse, thinking iot was a 'cure', but switched sides to join us instead."

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"Don't worry ."Said Young Red."I'll never really be away."

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"Yeah. And we'll find some way to stay in touch!"

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(OOC: I think I changed my mind about Sonic.)

Sonic started shaking a little on the bed. "Mmm...chili dogs..." he mumbled in his sleep.

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"Of course." Said Young red."We'll find a way."

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"But for now, dinner," said Anna as the food began to arrive.


Ziona looked back at Sonic. "I appears some things never change between Zones," she said laughing. She leaned over to have a good look at him. "He seems less injured than before. I wonder if he had any experiences with my Prime counterpart?" she wondered

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"I understand." Rancor says pleased. "Now then, shall we move onward?"


Kali looks to Astraea and then to Spectre.

"Should we continue the journal on the road? He may have dissapeared from sight, but can still be in the area."

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