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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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While Glen something , He though that it was Zionna calling for him in her sleep . He hugged her a bit more tightly .


"Well , now where should I start this story ."Said Young Red.

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Berry sighed it didn't work

Kayl was gonna shout more, but Berry stopped her.

By throwing water

A war was coming.

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"You make it sound so sinister," replied Anna to Crowley, shivering slightly.

Melody learned in, eager to hear Red's story.


"Huh, whasat?" mumbled Ziona slightly, not really awake. But when she became aware of behind held, her eyes began to open.

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"Have no fear, It's not a sinister story at all..." Said Young Red.


Glen put his head against Zionna, slighy happy to be close to someone again .

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Anna giggled. "It's okay. It's just your voice makes everything you say sound serious."

"As long as it's a good story," said Melody.


For a second Ziona got ready to leap out of bed, then she remembered it was Glen there, and managed to make him out as her eyes adjusted to the dark. With a smile, she placed an arm over him, and drifted off again.

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"Well, you started it."

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"Honey, I'm only serious at works."Said Young Red.


Glen could feel zionna's arm on him, And felt warmer at the feel of her fur on him.

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In another room, a wrestling match was going on between Kayl and Berry.

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"Great for a dry sense of humor though," replied Anna

"That must make work dull," commented Melody.


Ziona began to stir again, hearing sound of the kerfuffle from the next room.

"Glen. Wake up. I think our guests are in trouble!"

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"Maybe we woke up them."Berry said in horror

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"There it is Finitevus." said Zaugus

"Alright, I'll take it back to the lab and find out how to destroy it." said Finitevus

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"yeah, Maybe you did ." Said Glen , his head out of his Room. He wasn't happy ."I hope you two have a good reason for doig what you two did."


"Works is never dull with Mina." Said Young red.

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"Like mine I guess," replied Anna to Crowley. Then she heard Red. "Anna..." she corrected, then paused. "No, wait, it would have been Mina then... sorry..."


Ziona glanced though the door behind Glen, quickly summed at the situation, and headed for the kitchen.

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"She threw water at me... icy cold wa-" Kayl's attention was caught by another call, "it's Zack!"

Berry grabbed the device quickly as possible and happily talked.

Kayl looked back at them, "what? It's her fiancé$

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"I hope you too are happy ."Said Glen."I was having what seemed to be a great time with some i loved, And you two blew it. That's not nice of you . "


"It's alright Anna ."Said Young Red."It was a mistake made by the both of us."

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"Go have it ba-" Kayl noticed Berry's face'"you seem down dear. Is... Berry?"

Berry did nothing but fell down a cried painfully

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"Sorry. I know it must be hard for you to see me as... someone else," said Anna.


Ziona reached the kitchen, took a bottle of wine from the cupboard, sat down, and poured herself a glass.

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Kyle tried her best to talk to Berry, but she did nothing but cry.

(Ooc: I'm leaving for India, so hold it for now. Thanks)

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Glen instantly felt bad."No don't cry... Please ." He looked around ."Loik, don't be sad , It's all forgiven alright ? I have to see someone now."Glen hastily left , feeling guilty . He searched for Zionna until he saw her drink the wine . He didn't had the power to make her stop at the moment ."Darn it Zionna..." was all he could say.


"No , no, it's not that, really ." Said Young Red.

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"What do you mean?" asked Anna.

"Never mind the heavy stuff now, what about the story?" asked Melody, trying to lift the slightly dour mood.


Ziona had already taken a sip by the time she heard Glen. "It's been a long day," was all she said in reply, one hand swirled the glass around while she stared at it, the other hand propping up her head.

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"Ah yes , the story....." Said young Red ."It's she got me out of a very bad situation . It was in a mountain, during winter ..." She started.


"I know.." Said Glen. Without a word , he got down to her level , took her in his arm , and kissed her neck."Right now, you are the only drug I really need. I won't stop you . I don't have the strengh tonigh."

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